He does, alive and living well in The New World Translation
by Dansk 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The bible speaks of good and evil through out the whole book, it shows examples of it plainly. We can see through our lives that there is good and there is evil. The bible tells us all good things are from God and all bad things are from evil. One , if you believe in God you have to believe in satan.
I believe that satan does exist and I do believe that all people do naturally have goodness in them because none of us really like to be hurt or hurt but there is an influence in us that cause that goodness to disapear and the evilness to come forth. Even those who are normally good have had times when they are evil so where would this evil come from if there was not the influence. Have I lost confused you yet ? LOL
I get this question often when someone sees the pentacle around my neck (for me representing man inside of "god"..or infinity)
While I follow no specific structure of belief, I believe that Satan... is a "fairy tale". There is the belief that "devil" and "god" represent concepts of good and evil rather than actual beings. That they are themselves, faces of that which is greater than ourselves. or the part of our "higher self" that we cannot comprehend ie. "magik", esp, and telepathy. There are also other beings that "represent" other concepts check into faries, gnomes, elves etc.
The problem has arisen througout history when man says... "my concept of this face is superior to yours, I alone have the true path, which you must follow"... not being able to simply exist with what they choose to believe.
I do believe in the dweller of what you call "heaven"... but not that this being is a judgemental creature. I have a hard time with the idea that man, will be judged eternally based on a short existence here.
of course... I was raised a dub... see what it can do for you? make you... eh eh (shakes his hand back and forth) But I think you are on some sort of "right" track with your studies... though do not expect others to be able to accept it. The mind is not built to comprehend infinity... truly. There is no "right" answer I think. What is real for one... may not be for another. some see signs in lightning strikes... while others see more.. scientific side of it.
I tend to agree with you Dansk. I doubt he is a real spirit creature............just a scary image to control people.
Well, if satan exists........then why did not Gods CHOSEN people write about him except in Genesis? Where is Satan in the O.T.? When bad things happened to others in the O.T......it was God who did these bad things to them for punishment.
Never in the O.T. are bad things and misfortunes of others blamed on Satan. Don't you think if the jews themselves really strongly believed in Satan they would have attributed their problems to him? They NEVER did!
Jesus himself (other than scriptures attributed to him) also isn't mentioned. Satan and Jesus were later built by the early church to what they are today.
Remember folks satan was an angel in Heaven at one time, God created man in his image and so I tend to think that he also created the angels in his image too. So that would lead me to believe that satan actually looks an awful lot like us>.......
sincere question: Is man made in the image of "god" or "god" in the image of man? Yes yes.. the bible says... but where does that leave the other two hundred thousand beliefs throughout history?
How many forms has "the spirit" taken? What about native americans? There are literally thousands of deities in their construct alone. Are THEY all really satan trying to lead man astray? Buddah? Kernunnos? Pan? Ceridwen? The list goes on and on.
Some cultures even have no concept of evil. Only things as they are seen to the beholder.
Did the nomadic tribes of ancient europe follow SATAN who was trying to lead them away from the Hebrew god? They did not recognize Good and Evil. The native americans? again some tribes saw no evil... on that "great spirit" the giver and taker of live.
He exists and is very depressed lately because people blame everything on him. Poor guy.
KGB, my friend,
The bible speaks of good and evil through out the whole book, it shows examples of it plainly. We can see through our lives that there is good and there is evil. The bible tells us all good things are from God and all bad things are from evil. One , if you believe in God you have to believe in Satan.
Please read my first three posts. The problem here is that you believe in Satan without having any proof. Referring to the Bible is not enough. For proof of anything in the Bible one must back it up with evidence from other sources, such as archaeological and historical documents and artefacts.
Anyone that has ever been a JW will have at one time believed in Jehovah God and Satan. But KGB, did you know that neither of these persons can be proven to be genuine? I'm extremely serious here. I have written elsewhere on the origins of Jehovah (Yahweh)
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/54769/795145/post.ashx#795145 and on page 1 of this thread you will find the origins of Satan.
There is a tendency for exJWs to be fearful of displeasing God (I've been there!) - and to deny Satan is considered tantamount to displeasing God because the Bible tells us Satan exists. Phooey!
The truth of the Bible is that it contains some historical facts, definitely contains fables (which are put over as being true stories) for strengthening, originally, the Jews but by extension now Christians, and that it was NEVER, EVER inspired of God!
Why can I say this? Because I have researched and am still researching into Ancient Bible History. Doing so leads one into contact with eminent scholars and reams of documented evidence and books.
Did you know that, originally, the Jews thought most of the Law, less of the Prophets and least of all of the Hagiographa (Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, 1 & 2 Chronicles and the Song of Solomon)? Jesus frequently spoke of the Law and the Prophets, but never the other books. Christians, however, have given these books a higher place than the original possessors did and even more than Jesus did himself! The Hebrew scriptures were NOT considered inspired when they first came on the scene - and neither were the Christian Greek. The Bible didn't form beliefs, beliefs formed the Bible! The belief that the books of the Bible were inspired did not arrive with the books themselves, but was an afterthought!
Have you ever wondered why there are only four Gospels in the Bible? Incredibly, this was due to Irenaeus - and I kid you not! - who said that as there were four quarters of the earth, and four universal winds, and that animals were four-legged, or four-formed, there should therefore be four Gospels!
Irenaeus endeavoured to establish the Catholic Church AND the Bible and whatever he decided was adopted by the Church. It wasn't any God who determined the Bible was inspired, it was the Church Fathers!
With all this in mind, we can see that the Bible wasn't inspired and, therefore, any reference to Satan being a real character is based solely on superstition.
this is photgraphic evidence that satan does exist.....
...and look, there's even one of his helpers behind him.