Kingdom SMELLodies

by reagan_oconnor 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • reagan_oconnor

    Which "Kingdom Melodies" did you most despise?

    Mine had to be #125... the one that talked about "bees that were molested." [8>]

  • Prisca

    personally, I used to feel sorry for the poor bees!

  • Farkel

    : Which "Kingdom Melodies" did you most despise?

    I would rather have my fingernails pulled out while having a colonic irrigation with nitric acid than listen to another chorus of:

    "From House-To-House"


  • logical

    "Lets Watch How We Walk"

    Thats the song that set off all my doubts. There were other things lieading up to my doubts, like the way I was dragged to a meeting after little sleep and I was ill.

  • Duncan

    Hey Fark

    From House to House
    Di-Dum di-dah....

    Do you remember the brief flirtation that was enjoyed with upbeat, jazzy arrangements of the Kingdom Melodies at the District Assemblies in the early 70's? ( or was it just a UK thing?)

    Pretty soon the GB stepped in to stamp it all out - we had to go back to the slow, ponderous, wooden, officialy-sanctioned versions of our Musical Praise to the Most High. They couldn't lose control of a single aspect of things, not for a second.

    I remember reading the official line in the magazine about how we must not cheapen the "grandeur and majesty" of the official Society recordings.

    I remember that "Grandeur and Majesty" business particularly because that song From House To House must be the least majestic, least dignified and most irritating, lump-di-dah, stupid piece of "religious" music in the history of the world.

    Of course, it's not at ev'ry door we find a hearing ear!


  • philo

    Isn't there a song which goes...

    In this world that's so inviting
    Its a battle we are fighting
    And we feel our arses tight'ning
    Lest God miss and strike us down with lightning

    So let you people rejoice,
    la,la,laaa,la, be moist
    On the side, or the front, or the the back
    Bow down to God on his throne
    Take what's coming, a bone
    On the side of the kingdom you must whack.

    philo(memory is a little hazy)

  • hippikon

    It's just the first 225 that I don't like.

    "But it does move"

  • philo


    I remember the 'Jazzing up the Kingodom Songs', but in the 80s not the 70s. There was also a clamp-down on people who sang harmonies. The elders used Wt references to show how this was 'seeking self glorification'.

    I asked one of them, at the time, (tongue firmly in cheek) if this meant that nobody could sing in harmony. He missed the dig. But he did seem to regret the need for this new regulation: "thou shalt not sing harmoniously" (Deut *&:!o)


  • SlayerLayer

    I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say...number 13
    "Christian Dedication"...Because Jehovah created...the universe sooo grand...

    But for real... song 171 "A Victory Song" was kinda cool...sounded like Darth Vader was going to walk into the room.

    "Forget the tribe, my pants have spoken."

  • Thirdson

    I hated anything with "lick the dust" in the lyrics. The words seem like they were lifted from a "B" Western movie and a bad one at that.

    And what about "efficacious"? Who on earth is efficacious? JW's certainly aren't.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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