Kingdom SMELLodies

by reagan_oconnor 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    One of the worst and most laughable...."Jehovah's Large Army of Women". (Yeah, like the old joke....the army of large women.

    That song was totally unsingable, and it seemed a tad condescending based on how the women were really treated in the org.


  • tergiversator

    Ugh. Just one? There's way too many. In addition the fine specimens already mentioned ("...their menfolk with pride justly say..." *shudder*), here are some high on my list of "songs to make a Vogon writhe in agony":

    117 Marriage-God's Arrangement. Also the fact that it's played at every witness wedding I've ever been to. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Plus any talk even remotely connected to marriage. Notice how none of the words have to actually do with marriage, but rather with how it can help you "serve God better."

    128 "Nazirites- O can we be like them?" (Please! They're dead; they're not listening to exhortations to "do more" every other word.)

    151 "... that no lover of Jehovah God has reason to be sad. This good news of the Kingdom let us preach!" Blech.

    Wow. I'd forgotten how bad they really were; flipping through a song book made me realize how lucky I am, sparing my eardrums 6 times a week. The sing-song rhythm, the atrocious mangling of English syntax, the Watchtower conditioning bludgeoned into every verse... I think I'm with hippikon on this one.


  • CornerStone

    Hello R.O.,

    Mine would be #202 TO GOD WE ARE DEDICATED!
    (EXODUS 39: 30)

    EVERY SINGLE SATURDAY at a DA, CA, or SDA we would sing THAT song. As time went on I began to DESPISE those lyrics. I saw that God had nothing to do with our dedication. We were all being dedicated to the corporate org!


  • terraly

    My proposition is that decent music is a necessary but not sufficient criteria for a "true" religion.

    That is, merely having great music does not prove anything. However, being so uninspired and spiritually dead that your songs torment the soul is enough to disqualify anyone as having any sort of connection with cosmic/eternal truths.

  • bajarama

    How about we write an apostate song book. We could write songs for us to sing at apostafest. I can think of a couple song titles.

    Onward, Upward Apostates

    Eye's On The Prizes, As The Governing Body Dies

    From Post To Post

    75 And I'm Still Alive


  • Tina

    Take Sides w/ Jeh......was the one that got to me. Everyone trying to hit that high note at the end of the line.........tell,tell the glad tidings,of freedom and PEEEAAACEEEEEEE(screech) like someone scratching on a blackboard that was...shudder.....
    I don't have songbooks anymore,but I'll never forget that one as long as I live lol....Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • professor

    "They are gifts from God....He says use the rod"

  • dedalus

    There's a line from "Make the Truth Your Own" that gets me every time:

    "If your body members you control, you make known that the truth is your own."

    Heh heh, they said "members," heh-heh.

    Leave it to the organization to slip a lyric about masturbation into their songs (and how can that not be about masturbation?). Hey, no wanking, brothers!


  • Monica

    All these posts bring back a lot of memories! If only there was a way to hear these hymns as we are reading them!

    Tina, I actually liked those high notes and watching the guys try to hit them! It was pretty funny watching their expressions and seeing how some would fake singing them. I remember how sometimes my parents would not let one of my brothers and I sit next to each other at mtgs. If there was a high-pitched song, I was usually in hysterics listening to him try to hit them. Then the laughing thing was just a chain reaction to all those around us!

    How about this one, "Bold and determined in this time of the end!" The tunes are just so funny!

  • Tina

    Hi Monica!
    Welcome to the board btw!!
    LOL, you brought back memories,those trying and those fakin' those high notes lol. It was difficult to keep a straight face :D! regards,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

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