Disunity among Apostates.

by refiners fire 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    But to say that I have to participate in bringing down the entire religion goes way beyond what I feel is needed. I hate it, but that's my feeling, and there are many people within who love it, who are happy with it, and that's their feeling. I have said I wish my family (who are still in) would see the light, but that presumes they would reach the same conclusions that I did, and really, there is no guarantee of that. It's just something I would like to see.

    Just my opinion, and since I left the Borg, I am free to have one. So is everyone else.

    I agree.

    Would I like to see the WTS disintegrate and fall? Yes I would? Do I feel the need to directly have a part in a group or organisation that tries to do this? No I don't.

    To involve myself in an organisation that is committed to such a cause would mean that the WTS still holds power over me. Over my thoughts, my spare time, my energies. I've spent 30 years in servitude to the WTS, and I am now living my life for me. I am learning what it is to live for the first time in my life, without the shackles of the WTS. I'm enjoying that freedom. But to get involved in a group that spent time and energies towards bringing down the WTS, I don't have the inclination. Selfish? Perhaps. But if I don't look out for myself, who will?

    Exercising of that free will and individualism here on jwd, when in contrast with the majority is a real lesson in the study of group think.

    It's ok to say your independent, a free thinker, but when and if you make a stand against the wind of majority think, you better be prepared for the ole KH cold shoulder.

    Hahaha... so true. I experienced that yesterday. If you have an opinion that is the opposite to what people want to hear, look out. Be prepared to have to explain yourself, over and over again, and have others attack you for daring to say it. But it's water off a duck's back to me. I was brought up to stand up for my beliefs. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have made a good JW. And I wouldn't have made a good ex-JW neither.

  • jgnat

    Refiner's Fire, love this post. I've thought about your comments through the night. I think it is in our diverse, disorganized, loose, organic, destructured existence that we have our strength. How many times has the WT claimed that apostates have an organized campaign against them? How could we? We resist the WTS for thousands of reasons, in thousands of different ways, as individual as we are.

    I think it would be far easier for the WTS to restrict or oppose us if we were of one organization, one mind. They could point a finger, like at the UN, rally the troops, and say "this way" legion of armies, destroy! But they can't. A spy ring is kept safe because each one in the ring knows only the activities of the person on his right and his left, but no other.

  • libra_spirit


    You have stated things pretty accuratly. I went through a phase of trying to rally EX dubs to my way of thinking too. It does not work. However it is the democratic way. Everyone develops thier own opinions, their own life philosephy, wether they are aware of it or not. Reading through my own posts I can redilly see the changes in my own thought processes. I would never want to discourage this free expression of thoughts and ideas. I personally would like to see the Org brought down, I share the feelings of anger towards them for thier self righteous attitude. I think the best method is EDUCATION. The future of the Org will rest on thier ability to keep bringing in new converts, educating the public in general is a tough process indeed with all the strong belief in the freedom of religion I keep running into.

    One of my friends was able to get an article into the local paper, however my articles have allway gotten censored by a publisher that does not want to get sued by a church. I try to keep on hand a few educational vedios about the Org. I was able to enlighten one person who was considering starting a study with them locally. I have also been on the right board at the right time to provide facts to some who were truly investigating and considering becomming JW's. To me this is really the most satisfying thing I have ever done in this respect. Enlightening someone before they get sucked in. Maybe that is the most I can ever hope to accomplish.

    Maybe at best we can all agree to disagree, and that is alright!

  • obiwan

    I think this is what happens when a person's mind has been controlled and minipulated for so long. Now that we as people can think and express our thoughts without it blowing back in our faces, when we speak sometimes we may want to be heard so badly that we shout a little louder to make sure were heard. Those are my two cents!

  • blackout

    YEAH, individuality, independant thinking and action, FREEDOM RULES.

    We can band together with like minded individuals but ultimately what we are fighting for is freedom.

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