But to say that I have to participate in bringing down the entire religion goes way beyond what I feel is needed. I hate it, but that's my feeling, and there are many people within who love it, who are happy with it, and that's their feeling. I have said I wish my family (who are still in) would see the light, but that presumes they would reach the same conclusions that I did, and really, there is no guarantee of that. It's just something I would like to see.
Just my opinion, and since I left the Borg, I am free to have one. So is everyone else.
I agree.
Would I like to see the WTS disintegrate and fall? Yes I would? Do I feel the need to directly have a part in a group or organisation that tries to do this? No I don't.
To involve myself in an organisation that is committed to such a cause would mean that the WTS still holds power over me. Over my thoughts, my spare time, my energies. I've spent 30 years in servitude to the WTS, and I am now living my life for me. I am learning what it is to live for the first time in my life, without the shackles of the WTS. I'm enjoying that freedom. But to get involved in a group that spent time and energies towards bringing down the WTS, I don't have the inclination. Selfish? Perhaps. But if I don't look out for myself, who will?
Exercising of that free will and individualism here on jwd, when in contrast with the majority is a real lesson in the study of group think.
It's ok to say your independent, a free thinker, but when and if you make a stand against the wind of majority think, you better be prepared for the ole KH cold shoulder.
Hahaha... so true. I experienced that yesterday. If you have an opinion that is the opposite to what people want to hear, look out. Be prepared to have to explain yourself, over and over again, and have others attack you for daring to say it. But it's water off a duck's back to me. I was brought up to stand up for my beliefs. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have made a good JW. And I wouldn't have made a good ex-JW neither.