Since drinking is a very integral part of vacations, especially in the summer, which remedy works best for you the morning after???
What Is The Best Remedy For a Hangover???
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
Water, vitamin B-complex and lots of sleep. Not that I know. Just been told.
I normally take a bottle of fizzy drink to bed for when I wake up during the night, and have a Resolve when I get up. I've got to have plenty to eat and make sure I keep busy or I end up feeling real bad.
I just don't drink enough to get one. I have had one hangover in my life -- on my honeymoon in Cancun -- and that was ENOUGH. I get enough migraines from just life in general without deliberately setting out to make myself sick. But that's just me . . . .
There was a show about this over the weekend (think it was the Discovery Channel?) about some volunteers in Chicago in a highly controlled setting, including being videotaped and monitored by medical personnel. One particular woman faced possible alcohol poisioning because of the amount of drinks she had. They were monitored by a nurse in their hotel room periodically. One guy even left his hotel room and went out and had more AFTER having 15/16 drinks. The best solution to a hangover is not coffee or a cold shower. Sleeping it off and heaving (in some cases) seems to be the way the body handles it.
What Is The Best Remedy For a Hangover???
Don't get sober.
Alcohol is dehydrating to the body, and that is the reason why hangovers make you feel so lousy.
Effective strategies are to alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to maintain an appropriate level of hydration. Also, if you feel tipsy at bed time, take some pain relievers before you go to sleep, and take two or three glasses of water to help rehydrate your body over night. (Yeah, you'll be getting up in a few hours to empty your bladder, but you'll be able to take some more analgesics and drink some more water if you are starting to feel hung over.)
I know everyone already knows this, but I'm going to be a pill and say it anyway:
Don't Drink and Drive.Love, Scully
Avoiding a hangover is easier than curing one.
Drinking water and taking some tylenol is good.
Take the hottest shower you can stand then suddenly turn off the hot water so you get a cold rinse. I'm not sure how it works, maybe by contracting the blood vessels in your head, but it works.
little witch
Hair of the dog that bit 'cha !
And ice cream helps if you are queasy.
Drink plenty of fluids just prior to bed. It'll help.
I suggest getting a couple of bottles of Gatoraid. Have one before bed and one beside your bed so as you fade in and out of consciousness it is there for you. Then another glass in the morning. It has the electrolytes and potassium that you have peed out of your system.
Do NOT take pain meds such as Tylenol or Aspirin. IF you want to take something, take an Advil. It doesn't react as harshly with the alcohol. ASA and acetaminophen when mixed with alcohol will do mage dame to your stomach, liver and kidneys.
Take advantage of the greatness and goodness of the almight porcelain goddess. If you are feeling queazy, get it out. Your body is overwhelmed and can't handle it. You'll feel much better afterwards. Besides the cold porcelain against the forehead feels damn good at that point. LOL