I always thot sex was an integral part of vacations...well everything really.
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
I always thot sex was an integral part of vacations...well everything really.
amen rav amen
oh btw the best remedy is dont drink so damn much lol
Drink a lot of Gatorade before, during and after drinking alcohol. Hangovers are caused by dehydration...so I was told
Alcohol takes away water from the body and your head and is partly why one has a headache. If you drink plenty of water the night before periodically and don't overdrink on alcohol, you will probably be alright.
Ok here it is !! Never to be repeated (well maybe )
My all time cure for a hang over is this .. first before you start drinking eat somthing fatty .. somthing like chicken wings not to many and somthing that won't absorb the booze
Drink as much as you like .. finish the night up and get somthing more fatty in you like a bacon burger or such. go to sleep and then you should be next to great in the morning ready for another night of partying. I used this all the time and I would party at least 4 nights a week.
I wish I could use both the thumbs up & thumbs down icons. Oh well...
For me, as disgusting as it is, if and when I am feeling like a sack of shite, I will grab a drink the next morning: rye (especially) and or beer.
Yup, I'm about ready to do the sound of damaged donkey, but I have to get the first gulp down, then I'm OK.
Then......I go to the corner store, grab buckets of Gatorade.
Worst hangover I ever had: Tequila hangovers: the earth moved, swallowed me up and farted me out 12 hours later....with lava all over me.
Worst beer hangover: Becks beer. ICK! I cannot drink that stuff even until today, I even get a whif of it and I'm almost in dry heaves. German beer, doesn't cut it for me: period.
No thanks!