The Bible’s Viewpoint - Does God Change?

by Surreptitious 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • donkey

    Is God all-knowing?

    Is he all powerful?

    He cannot be both...otherwise he does not have the ability to change his mind....I guess that is why they refer to God as HE (only a woman has the perrogative to change her mind).


  • gumby

    Come on Jack old boy !

    Jehovah never REALLY in a sense ...."changed his mind" about anything did he? Didn't he KNOW what his final decision would be but he simply played head games with those involved, so he could teach them and us, some kind of lesson or somthin?????

    As soon as I learn what that lesson is, I'll post back on this.


  • gumby


  • shaq


    I,m new to the forum, been visiting (lurking) for some time, but didn't have much to add to things already stated.

    Had an interesting question to this thread about Uzzah and a personal conclusion about much of the difficult things in the Bible. If they didn't use the proper means to carry the ark, how did they get it on the wagon in the first place without someone getting struck dead?

    Also, could it be that Uzzah just happen to suffer a heart attack or stroke or something from all the excersion, and people interpreted it as an act of God, much like the religous views that AIDS is punishment from God? We had seemingly healthy athletes fall dead on the baskeball court. Not too long ago some would have concluded that they must of done something to piss God off.

    People back then would be alot more superstitous and ignorant than today, yet people do and think many stupid things and somehow get God involved.

    Anyway, just one way of explaining some disjointed things of the Bible.

  • Faraon
    He created the earth to be lived in for perfect humans.

    So he created Earth 4,500,000 years ago, and then the stars which are at least 14,500,000 years old?

    If humans were so perfect, how come he was looking for a mate from among the animals for Adam? Were they also perfect?

    That was his purpose ; ask any JW that !

    No thanks, I'd rather ask anyone at an insane asylum. They probably can give me a better answer. They may be insane, but not all of them are stupid.

    However Adam sinned, which meant God had to change by sending his 'son' down to earth to erradicate sin.

    So god, knowing his son would be murdered, still sends him to be murdered because he loves us as his sons? That is a terrible thought: to be sent to be murdered because someone loves someone else. Apparently god's scheme did not work because according to the bible we all sin.

    If Adam would have never sinned, God would not have sent Jesus to earth. He had to change !

    If, if, if, if, etc. God is supposed to know the future. If he knew that Adam would sin, then why create him in the first place?

    This sacrifice is no big deal to begin with. Among the Aztecs, some of the warriors would volunteer to be sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli, so that the sun would continue to shine.

    Jehovah was the exclusive *minor* deity of the Hebrews. Not for the whole world. He never gave a sh*t about the other nations. He was happy smelling the smoke from dead carcasses that produce an aroma conductive to rest.

  • Surreptitious

    Aztec did WHAT with a Huitzilopochtli???

  • rocketman

    Hey Shaq good questions and welcome to the board!

  • rocketman
    rocketman're not the Shaq of NBA fame, are you?

  • Surreptitious

    By the way, yes this is an article from the Awake! magazine.

  • badolputtytat

    "Jehovah of armies, Judge, Sovereign, Jealous, Sovereign Lord, Creator, Father, Grand Instructor, Shepherd, Hearer of prayer, Repurchaser, happy God, and many others. He has chosen to become all of these—and much more—in order to carry out his loving purposes."

    A happy, warrior, jealous, loving, forgiving type. Just what I needed... another obsessive compulsive guy running around killing folks with a happy face.

    The whole article contradicts itself. Funny though. Looks like another open ended, non specific definition of "god" that leaves plent of room for New Light



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