What's in a name? Teenyuck?

by leddfootdja 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • leddfootdja

    I find all the different aliases people use on here to be pretty entertaining.

    What does your name mean to you? Why did you choose it?

    I assume Teenyuck, for example = Tina spoke by a young child. Teenyuck-care to comment?

    Leddfootdja= Driving habits + initials

    Anyone else?

  • zanex

    "Zanex"=6 months in a high security mental institution+high dosage of multiple talks + theocratic ministry overexposure

    (they made off with me marbles!)

    (sorry, just in one of those sort of odd moods)

  • Hamas

    Hamas = erm .......

  • teenyuck

    Unless you read all my posts....

    Good guess! That is it. More or less....

    My Polish great-grandmother just could not say "Tina". It always came out Teen-aah. Which evolved into Teenyuck....kinda like Curly from the 3 Stooges would say it; all the relatives called me that. Then just "Nyuck". With a giggle. And a Chicago accent. It is not pretty.

    I actually changed my screen name from "puffsrule" (that one is a longer story) so if my relatives (all JW) ever sign on, they might wonder if it is me. I put my photo up every now and then so they can see its me.


    Well it's sort of a combination of things.

    Well Ray is my first name. The rest has something to do with when I was hanging out with many punk rockers here in Toronto, and of course, there are more nicknames than you can shake a stick at.

    I used to shave my head as well, and I could be (at times) a bit sharp with my comments/rants.

    So "RAYZORBLADE" came out of that.

    It stuck. I've been using that on-line name for ages.

  • Vanant

    My name is taken from Persian/Zoroastrian mythology (very similar to Jewish mythology); it's the name of either the star Altair or Vega (forgot which), and was one of several guardian stars that carried out the dirty work for Ahura Mazda. I've always liked to read about mythology . . . it's one of the things I can finally do totally guilt-free now that I've (mentally) left the borg. :) I found this name interesting in particular because it looks like "vacant," which is what the borg thinks all non-dubs are like spiritually . . . yet now that I've become an atheist, I feel more spiritual than ever before. (Also, I'm a linguistics nerd who loves beautiful sounds in speech, such as the way the [t] comes so softly and voicelessly after the [n] at the end of this name...I'm kind of weird that way...) (sorry, probably not making sense here...maybe it's time to go to bed...o.o)
    Anyway, I'm a newbie here, so hi to you all! :D ::waves::

  • cowhand

    Mine is pretty much what's implied.

    I spent most of my working life on a dairy farm and lacking imagination as I do it was the first name that came to mind.

    In a burst of inspiration I became longgone on another exJW site.

    Sorry to be so prosaic folks

  • cowhand

    Sorry Vanant.


  • avengers

    Ehhhhhhhh what the hell.

    When I tell you then I wonder how long it will take before JW spies will contact
    Bethel and have elders come over to try and df me. They leave me alone at this moment
    because they know when they start a procedure I will cause so much ruccus and will reveal
    so much to the public that it will cause them too much damage.
    But when they find me here on this board with picture and name then they might not
    have a choice according to them. (not that they ever have a choice. pun intended)
    But I'll tell you anyway.

    Here in Holland there are lots of family names that start off with "van".
    Like van Halen. van Dam. van Engers. Here in Holland the "van" is often abbreviated.
    v. Dam. v. Halen. v. Engers.
    So there you have it. My first name is Andy. a.v.engers. = avengers.

    Well WT. You have me now.


  • leddfootdja

    Thanks for all the replies guys.


    I didn't check out your posting history-yet. I've noticed you on here for a while.

    The other day I was walking around and your alias wouldn't get out of my head!!! "Teenyuck. Teenyuck. Teenyuck!!!"

    I tend to absorb things I find funny or amusing. The idea of "Teenyuck" standing for "Tina" just kind came to me

    after about the 10,000th time. I credit the bi-polar for those kind of endless, repetitive thoughts.

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