What's in a name? Teenyuck?

by leddfootdja 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hapgood

    Hapgood is a character from the Broadway play "Anyone Can Whistle." My favorite actor played Hapgood in an AIDS charity remake of the play in 1995. I looked up some information about the play on the Internet and found that the meaning that they gave to the name Hapgood is "questions traditional assumptions and beliefs." I figured that really fit me, that's exactly what I've been doing. I have the CD of this play (the 1995 version) and the music is fantastic. One song in particular I can really relate to is entitled "Everybody Says Don't", like in don't look up Apostate stuff on the Internet.


  • worldlygirl

    "Worldlygirl" because "unbelievingwoman" was just too damn long.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    You have probably heard of the expression "throwing a spanner in the works" when something or somebody upsets and "derails" the

    status quo and Modus Operandi? Well, that's me! I am the Spanner in the Works of my local Watchtower community!

    Also, a spanner (or "wrench" in US lingo) is used to undo nuts and screws!


  • waiting

    We had a serious situation with our BOE - and wrote to the Society, and talked with our CO. After 1.5 yrs or so, we hadn't heard from them.....we requested our CO to call Society.

    The WTBTS, our Channel to God, told our Circuit Overseer, who is the mouthpiece for the WTBTS....well, the WTBTS told him "Don't talk to them. We'll handle them."

    And our CO was dumb enough to tell us - NOW we know why the WTBTS said "Don't talk to them." Idiot. So, we promptly decided to "wait on Jehovah" - just as we were taught.

    Thus, I'm waiting.

    And I have been waiting now for almost 6 years.


  • crownboy

    I chose my name for a somewhat similar reason that Tina had initially chose "puffsrule".

    I had been lurking for a while, decided to register, but did not have a screen name in mind. Right next to my computer was an empty cup of soda that was bought from "Crown Fried Chicken". Since they have pretty OK food (or maybe because I'm black I like fried chicken ), and I couldn't think of anything better at the time, I just decided to use it in my screen name. Maybe I would have chosen something else on another day, but I've since gotten used to the name .

  • gumby

    I want puffsrule back. I was in love with her and wanted to stalk her then she left. Damn!

    I like your puffsrule pic better and say you do a makeover to look exactly like you were. Your cute now but puffsrule was cuter


  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    I thought I would use something fun and sexy. I guess you could say Jessica Rabbit is my alter ego. In real life I could never have a bod' like that. (I guess with major plastic surgery I could.) I would love to walk in a room and turn every head like that. Plus she was a singer and got caught playing pattycake.....I'll just leave it at that. My bio pretty much covers it.

  • borgfree

    I'll be honest this time.

    After leaving the WT I used the email name Xcultist, but was never on a forum like this. The song Bornfree used to go through my mind all of the time. When I heard a few people reffering to the WT as the Borg I started replacing Bornfree with Borgfree, when I thought of the song. I then started using that name (Borgfree) as my on screen name, and my license plates.


  • leddfootdja

    Very cool posts.

  • enigma

    Enigma:Pronunciation: i-'nig-m&, e-
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Latin aenigma, from Greek ainigmat-, ainigma, from ainissesthai to speak in riddles, from ainos fable
    Date: 15th century
    1 : an obscure speech or writing
    2 : something hard to understand or explain
    3 : an inscrutable or mysterious person

    I love anything mysterious and unexplained, its sort of a passion of mine in life, to find out as much as I can about the unexplained. And also I can be a mysterious person until you get to know me.

    crownboy: (or maybe because I'm black I like fried chicken )
    hey I'm white and I like fried chicken too, hell anything fried is pretty damn good :)

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