Ex-JWs......full of hateful pride ??

by ScoobySnax 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    An observation...... Recently someone asked "Are we the most prolific exjw site on the net?" From looking about and trawling around, I don't dispute that this site is the biggest, if not the most prolific. (type in JW on a search and this site will appear) From an inactive point of view, I reckon despite the fact that there are some genuine people "hurting" here from past experiences, the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the WT and JWs at whatever expense. Before you jump and taunt, understand what I mean. It seems to me that whatever the JWs do or say is wrong wrong wrong by this boards definition. I think Validity is lost here so many times by your constant slander. It would not matter what the JWs did to "reform" if they even were to take some heres point of view, I reckon most here would still look for, or invent fault. I think some here love being exJWs, they love exploiting their apparent loss and others who maybe have been genuinely hurt.

    To watch this site sometime is painful, it isn't pleasant, infact sometimes it's a hateful place to see. One Ego fighting another even bigger Ego. I wonder of those, if their real desire is to help those who may be hurting. Maybe I'm out of order here, but its just my observation. ExJw "brotherhood" seems not all its cracked up to be either..........

  • pettygrudger

    Civilization isn't all its cracked up to be - and never has been!

    But, I do understand to some extent your points. All the patent "new found freedom of expression & opinion" comes to mind. Hurt, that's a good fuel for anger & hostility - you're probably right on that one as well.

    But all in all, when the chips are down, except in a few cases, everyone rallies, and that's what counts in my book. Now in JW land, when the chips are down, the rest of the chickens in the coop peck the hurt critter to death. At least here they stand a chance.

  • StinkyPantz

    A lot of what you say is true. Have a hug ((Scooby)).

  • ballistic

    I don't think this place tries to put on any front to JWs. I don't think that is the intention of Simon. It is a community and as such consists of a multitude of different perspectives. You say "validity" is lost, but what could be more valid than 1000s of normal people expressing their feelings?

  • IslandWoman


    What you see here is the result of Watchtower trampling. People here are the children of the Watchtower, children trampled and lost.

    Blame the Watchtower for what you see here.


  • xjw_b12

    Well as Discussion boards go I'd say this one is pretty tame.

    As a JW Discussion board, I'd say middle of the road. As RAYZORBLADE has mentioned on many occasions, there are a great deal of boards out there, ranging in topics form sports to sex, and some of them get........ well totally out of hand.

    If the lurkers or xjw's who come here are expecting a spiritual paradise, they won't find it. NIrvana does not reside here or on any DB. But the truth WILL set you free.

  • logansrun


    the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the WT and JWs at whatever expense. Before you jump and taunt, understand what I mean. It seems to me that whatever the JWs do or say is wrong wrong wrong by this boards definition. I think Validity is lost here so many times by your constant slander.
    Actually, I agree. Read my posts in the thread about the new "Great Teacher" book and you will see the balancing voice I tried to be. Unfortunately, some ex-JWs exhibit the same narrow thinking and simplistic dichotomy that they had as a JW only in reverse. But that's the point Scooby!! The JWs do the exact same thing! It makes perfect sense that this organization would cause so much hatred in the people that are former members. Why? Because the Society has villified them as well as the rest of the world. The natural reaction -- but not necessarily the rational reaction -- is to lash out at everything the Society does as being wrong. So, instead of the Society always being so perfect and righteous like the WT claims, it becomes the Evil Empire TM which does everything wrong. The truth is somewhere in between -- but leaning to the Evil Empire side for sure.
    It would not matter what the JWs did to "reform" if they even were to take some heres point of view, I reckon most here would still look for, or invent fault.
    For me, "reform" would entail a complete abandonment of the Bible as the infallible word of God. I don't think that will ever happen. Nonetheless, your thought here is pure hypothesis since the Society has NEVER reformed and has even clamped down harder and harder in it's viewpoints.
    I think some here love being exJWs, they love exploiting their apparent loss and others who maybe have been genuinely hurt.
    You're probably correct. I don't like the never ending "weepy" threads that never get resolved. You shock me, though, by admitting that some might have "been genuinely hurt." Care to elaborate?

    To watch this site sometime is painful, it isn't pleasant, infact sometimes it's a hateful place to see.
    So why are you here? You don't engage in any intellectual conversation of any kind nor are you lending a helping hand to those who have been hurt by the Society's stupid teachings. Leave if you want.
    ExJw "brotherhood" seems not all its cracked up to be either..........
    Interesting the "either." You admit that the Society isn't "all it's cracked up to be" in their love? Great! One thing, though. Nowhere did I sign or pledge to be part of some "brotherhood" when I joined this board or when I left the JWs. This isn't a religion, it's a fucking message board! Get real.
  • pettygrudger

    Island Woman - I don't know that I could agree 100% with that - I think to some extent people are here the same as they were as JW's (except now they're allowed to voice opinions).

    Some are kind, caring loving individuals. Some are trouble makers, with a much bigger playground. Some are hurt by the actions of WTBS policies. Some are just angry people, and would have lashed out in any environment - which is why they didn't stay JW either. Some are JW's, and carrying on their "righteous indignation". Some are just stupid (but I'm not naming names cuz I know mine might be at the top of the list!)

  • ScoobySnax

    IW... I can't really see your point, "Watchtower Trampling" ...... "Children trampled and lost" thats very emotive. How long can you cry this. Some are genuine as I said, but this type of emotional talk helps no-one, it creates in some a victim personality.....is this helping?. The majority love that talk, it fires them on to more hatred. I feel for those who truly hurt, they're not "children".....they are adults. (grown up).

  • badolputtytat

    Hi Scoob... I don't think I have ever addressed you personally (it's the dog thing I think) But you caught my attention with that one...

    and this is of course just my dumb old opinion... as far as the "validity" thing goes, I would have to say that it is the organization that has undermined it's own validity by it's actions.

    And for "exploiting pain" ??? I used to post here under another name... I posted my story along side the others. I would have to say that it was for me, the best therapy. In some way, we all know the board is monitored, by them. Some realize when they are putting all that hurt up there in black and white, that somebody is going to see it. A way of saying "YOU hurt me". And some, truly just dont know what to do. BUT I think either way you look at it, there IS valid pain. Whether someone is being shunned by their family, or just at a loss of understanding.

    Yes there are those looking to start something, always will be on the net. But I have found that MOST of the people here genuinely care. and as for slander... all these stories just can't be fabrication.

    DO YOU KNOW THAT I GOT A PERSONAL PHONE CALL TODAY, JUST OUT OF CONCERN FROM SOMEONE ON THIS BOARD?? Genuine caring 100% we-all-got-hurt-by-this-thing-companionship.

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