An observation...... Recently someone asked "Are we the most prolific exjw site on the net?" From looking about and trawling around, I don't dispute that this site is the biggest, if not the most prolific. (type in JW on a search and this site will appear) From an inactive point of view, I reckon despite the fact that there are some genuine people "hurting" here from past experiences, the majority of posts seem like some crusade against the WT and JWs at whatever expense. Before you jump and taunt, understand what I mean. It seems to me that whatever the JWs do or say is wrong wrong wrong by this boards definition. I think Validity is lost here so many times by your constant slander. It would not matter what the JWs did to "reform" if they even were to take some heres point of view, I reckon most here would still look for, or invent fault. I think some here love being exJWs, they love exploiting their apparent loss and others who maybe have been genuinely hurt.
To watch this site sometime is painful, it isn't pleasant, infact sometimes it's a hateful place to see. One Ego fighting another even bigger Ego. I wonder of those, if their real desire is to help those who may be hurting. Maybe I'm out of order here, but its just my observation. ExJw "brotherhood" seems not all its cracked up to be either..........