Silentlambs ASKS YOU: Was Mark Anthony Simpson Molesting In Ontario Too???

by rainbow2003 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    which Watchower posers would prefer ignore

    Far out. I've never been a spy before. Can I have a pair of dark sunglasses, a trench coat and use a really cool British accent? Does the Service Desk have anyone named "Q" or "M"? Maybe they can put little gadgets into the literature, like a laser beam that shoots out of a Watchtower when you turn to page 18, or a satellite receiver pops out of a bookbag ready to transmit our favourite pizza toppings to Ted and the boys.

    I can have some fun with this!

    "Tex. Big Tex. Martini please. Shaken, not stirred."

    Is a poser anything like an international man of mystery?

  • Scully

    Big Tex:

    Is a poser anything like an international man of mystery?

    Actually.... ummm..... no. When rainbow2003, nancee park, nick park, anewperson or anyone else of their ilk refers to someone as a Watchtower poser, they are saying that by interfering with their "Jah Christian" fundamentalist agenda, you automatically become a supporter of the WTS.

    And they wonder why nobody likes them.

    Love, Scully

  • waiting

    Hey expat,

    Yeah, I caught that - but not the original post when information was still viewable. I understand your & Scully's comments - and agree with them.

    I also understand the original post - and the implications of asking whether there is yet another Jehovah's Witness Molester surfacing.

    Imho........I think the original post posed a good question.....which *seems* to be ignored because of the poster. Thus, my comment.

    If it doesn't fit your secenario?......well, I didn't name you, now did I?

    Fiesty for Sunday morning, ain't ya?

    With Great Respect,


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Damn. I was really wanting to be a spy or something. Now I'm just interfering with Nancee's agenda. Major bummer!!

    BTW, good call on the edit Scully. Nina was a more than a little put out that Nancee's referencing her father's suicide in that amazingly long post of Watchtower "sins". I'm glad you were able to curb this just a bit.

  • waiting

    A new thread by blondie on Mark Anthony Simpson - and a good discussion of the question......not blondie.

    This thread IS "kill the messenger......"



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I don't know about anyone else waiting, but nancee park/nick park/onthego/rainbow2003/anewperson has very little credibility with me. I have little or no interest in hearing a rant, a diatribe, or the dialectic. It's like hearing someone read the Communist Manifesto or the Watchtower. Her/his approach does indeed put me off on several levels. It smacks of throwing a bunch of mud on a wall and seeing what sticks. I also don't like being shouted at.

    But mainly what I have little respect for is the entire idea that if you don't instantly believe everything she/he says, and feel as intensely and passionately about it, thereby propelling you into the same frenzied and random action, then you are either working for WTBS or in their way. My way or the highway. Doesn't that mindset remind you of something we all went through?

    I'll be triple damned and sent to hell by God himself before I'll get sucked into another cult. And it is possible to have a cult mentality while combating the cult. It is possible to become the very thing you are fighting.

  • expatbrit

    Hey Waiting:

    Maybe it's the surfeit of

    The original post did indeed ask a good question, which is worth more consideration. And yes, it's being ignored because of the poster. Or to put it perhaps a little more on target: it's being ignored because of the poster's modus operandi: giving out private information indiscriminately. It's not "kill the messenger", but rather "the messenger ruins the message".

    Expatbrit (feisty little ass)

  • DannyBear


    Smack on the mark. Fanatics of any sort turn me off.......even if their cause is legit.


  • Kismet

    Rainbow/Nancee/Nick all Jah Christian associates:

    You have never been given authorization by me to use my name or reveal any information about me in your newsletters, internet forums or in other public venues.

    I have nothing but distain for your methods and your frequent attacks on any who may disagree with your alleged statements of fact, which are in my not so humble opinion more fiction, the delusions of an obsessed mind.

    Do NOT reveal my email address again. The work I do, if any, regarding child abuse is not for public dissimination and I certainly have no association with your group.


    Why an otherwise intelligent person would support the likes of this latest incarnation of Mr/Ms./Park is beyond me. [Rant deleted - need more coffee]

    Perhaps you are just arguing for arguement sakes but this group are egotistical self righteous spammers. I am sure you can find someone better to defend today.

    By the way, good to see you. Hoping all is well in your world.


  • waiting

    OMG......yet another fiesty CANADIAN man this Sunday morning! Is it safe to assume Saturday night didn't go overly well with y'all or do you Canadians ALL have the same cheery Sunday outlook? Is Path lurking here too? Good to see you too, Kis!

    I'm NOT defending what's-her-real-name. Do we know if Rainbow2003 is a woman btw? I could give a rat's ass about her or any type of fundy in general (and I did have a good Saturday night thank you very much - but then, I'm a 'mercun woman)

    But I don't damn them because they're fundies.....I ignore them because they're fundies. A significant difference imho.

    My now-belabored point would be......what's-her-real-name's original post had a good question - and even Expatbrit agreed with there. But the thread immediately went into overdrive ignoring that question to target what's-her-real-name-fundy.

    As I mentioned (and y'all seemed to have missed) - I don't normally read threads like this as I find them boring (the fundy type) - but the question about this man in the news caught my attention.

    Obviously, I was one of the few (okay - only one) on this thread that reasoned that way. If y'all want to continue to go after ol' what's-her-real-name.....which would explain my "kill the messenger" quote.....go for it. She probably deserves it. Damned fundies, eh?

    Kill 'em all.

    Nowwwwwwwwwwwww, if you'll excuse me......Adios - the second time.


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