Skully, your expression of anger is understandable since you read the large post as some kind of effort to annoy or step on your toes, which it really wasn't. So, as you wish, but please note that originally you did post that you wanted your email given out in regard to AJWRB in Canada so as to help save lives of people who would otherwise die over Watchtower's blood policy. But, again, if you wanted to and did censor the post a little, no problem. You could have erased the whole thing but although coming across as upset, you did not do so, evidently because you see it has a lot of helpful elements and sentiments.
For other readers, we are Christians who permit freedom to differ just as Romans 14 says to do. If anyone else here is anti-fundamentalism, equating it to narrow-mindedness and judgmentalism, okay, that's your perogative and also understandable. But note that it is a fact that most in the Free Christians movement (exJWs, active JWs exposing Watchtower from the underground, et al) are far more freethinkers than of the "ilk" that the threads speak of. Some Christians are and some are not. There was and is no implication anywhere in the posting to which you refer, that you sanction jahchristians or any other group in the movement. Our desire is to help people, to save lives.
Again, the original posted thread about the guy possibly having been in Ontario too is the main thing. If it was discussed on some other thread, we did not see it, and if it was posted on a less looked at sideboard, which it probably was, then it's being noted here is also a good idea for evidently a lot of people are reading this thread.
[email protected]