Intellectually Lazy

by berylblue 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • berylblue

    That's me.

    Anyone else here care to admit they would rather let others do the difficult research for them?

    Once in the psycho hospital, we played a "game". (Keep in mind that games in such settings were either only a means to keep us from killing ourselves or the other inmates between smoke breaks, or to assist us in gaining insight into our natures (this was never the case except in the following instance.)

    It was some stupid game where blocks of paper of different colors were lined up, I think 10? And then two teams of four persons stood on them, each team facing the other.

    The object was to get to the last paper block of the opposing team's while never going more than one step, or something like that.

    Immediately, I determined this "exercise" was too complex for me, and sat on the sidelines. Because I was in the psych hospital (and honesty and candor are permitted, although not usually appreciated), I readily admitted I was too dumb to do this. Keep in mind, too, that half the participants were detoxing from booze and crack, which only exacerbated my shame at being unable to figure out how to "play".)

    All the other inmates were yelling advice, really getting into it. Since I had already determined that this game was stupid and not worth my (albeit limited) mental capacity, I declined any advice. This did not, of course, preclude caustic criticism on my part but, ironically, not when someone made a "dumb" move, but when others were snapping at those who made "dumb" moves.
    "For gods sake, it's a GAME, okay?"

    When it was all said and done, I was not impressed. Big damned deal, was my "official" opinion. Inmates were cheering and feeling very pleased with themselves, and I thought that a tad over the top. But inside, I was really upset over the fact that all this was beyond my capability, and that others could do it better than me. Story of my life.

    But I was forced to realize: If I can't understand something, I don't want to play. If I don't feel I will be the "star", I don't want to play. But I will criticize all those who do play, and be extremely jealous of their ability to do something I can not.

    Now, of course, this is making no sense at all. It's just kind of flowing out. If someone can make sense of it, I'd appreciate the insight . (See? Once again, I delegate the difficult tasks to others.)

    What prompted this post? Reading something of AlanF's, and feeling so ashamed that I could never even come close to matching his eloquence and intelligence.


  • wasasister


    What prompted this post? Reading something of AlanF's, and feeling so ashamed that I could never even come close to matching his eloquence and intelligence.

    I derive great pleasure from listening to Bach, Mozart, Chopin, and others. I also know I could never - not in this life or the next - compose so much as a single measure of this kind of music. I can, however, appreciate the beauty, complexity, and wonder of it.

    AlanF is a friend of mine. His mind works in ways I can't even begin to comprehend, but that does not mean I am inferior to him in any way. We have had great conversations on all kinds of topics and maybe he learned a thing or two from me.

    From what you wrote above, it seems life has dealt harshly with you. From where you sit, it must look as if others have all the advantages. But, I assure you, no matter how articulate, intelligent, confident or beautiful others may seem from the outside, they each have their own inner demons to fight. You no doubt have qualities of your own that would make others envy you.

    Oh, and for what it's DOES sound like a stupid game. I probably would have sat that one out, too. I've never been much of a joiner.


  • jgnat

    I read a study (darn I wish I could find it) measuring the heat output of people's brains while they completed complex activities. The pictures looked like psychidelic walnuts. Hot brains were white-hot in colour, cool brains blue.

    Most people, when they start a complex activity, their brains heat up. There are many complex interactions that must be considered to successfully complete the task. Airline pilots, for instance, their brains heat up while they are getting the plane in the air. As an activity is repeated, however, the brain cools down as it creates new circuit pathways to deal with this new activity. Over time, a once complex activity becomes routine. This is a worry, because there is a risk that the pilot is not completely alert while completing a now routine activity.

    When individuals with Down's Syndrome undertook the same complex tasks in the laboratory, their brains stayed white-hot. Researchers speculate that some individuals are incapable of rewiring their brain to cope with routine activities. I developed a whole new respect for my mentally challenged friends, when I realize that every day truly is a new day for them, and they undertake each task with the same energy as the first time they tried it.

    So who has the lazy brain? I say mine, since I devote most of my energy to finding the easiest way to accomplish my goal, and quickly discard inefficiencies. I strive to hit my cool-brain stride.

    Reading something of AlanF's, and feeling so ashamed that I could never even come close to matching his eloquence and intelligence.

    It is also inefficient and a waste of time to resent of somebody else's superiority. Should I resent skinny people, who can eat a bowl of salad and call it a meal? Skinny people are better at doing what they do, so I admire them for it. They come in handy when I drop a paper behind my desk. But they just better not complain about moving up to a size nine to my face. Should I resent it that my son surpassed me at chess, and I only win one in three? Of course not. But I reserve the right to dance around the room and laugh in his face and refuse a rematch for at least a week, if I do manage to beat him.

    AlanF likely is a cool-brained dude. Let's celebrate his cool-ness, and take full advantage of him.

  • teenyuck
    Anyone else here care to admit they would rather let others do the difficult research for them?

    I don't like to admit to anything, let alone being intellectucally lazy.

    Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some people are more eloquent when given the opportunity to put their thoughts on paper. Some verbally. Some not at all.

    I would much prefer to let others do the research. I will take the info they provide, analyze it and form an opinion based upon that. Like most things. Be it what type of cheese to purchase to what type of car to purchase. If someone likes and wants to research, I say go for it. I will appreciate your efforts.

  • badolputtytat

    Your post has a familliar ring to it with myself. I think this goes back to the spiritual division... on one hand the masculine spirituality (one of thought, and reasoning) on the other, a feminine spirituality (one of feeling, and emotion). It does not of course matter which gender you are...

    I am a male, but usually my emotions, rather than intellect; play a large role in what actions I take.

    AlanF's approach and way of reasoning often amaze me too. And as far as letting someone else do the "research", I as well have a difficult time trying to focus on any one thing long enough to research it.

    I would pay to have the seeming wit that Alan and some of the others have, Because I was born a dummy, I grew up a dummy, and I will probably die as a BIG Dummy

  • Been there
    Been there

    I also feel my brain is lazy when it comes to figuring something out. I have the hardest time trying to focus and make my brain go in one direction. Sentence math problems just sieze my brain up.

    I know how I feel, and what I think, but would be hard pressed to state why. I am a logical thinker tho and see possible outcomes by certain actions. I also do very well in figuring out solutions for things that need to be done faster or easier and have a vast array of useless tid bits of knowledge. I to am in awe of some of the posters here who can state the facts with such clarity so everyone can understand, even us intellectually challenged.

    I generally do very well in anything I try, I just am so afraid to fail I just don't try.

  • teenyuck
    AlanF's approach and way of reasoning often amaze me too. And as far as letting someone else do the "research", I as well have a difficult time trying to focus on any one thing long enough to research it.

    I would pay to have the seeming wit that Alan and some of the others have, Because I was born a dummy, I grew up a dummy, and I will probably die as a BIG Dummy

    Please stop!!!!!

    Stop thinking you are "dummies", "not smart enough", "not good enough", "not What the Fxxx"

    Alan is a great guy. I have no problem with him or his intellectual ability. I have a problem when people like you start on the "I am not good, I am not smart" track.

    Stop. Please.

    There are a few posters here who in the last few days, in a few threads, made a point to say how smart they were. How very few people are up to their intellectual abilities. BULLSHIT!!!

    Don't believe that crap. When someone has to tell you he/she is smart, they just proved they aren't.

    Makes sense. Think about it.

    Intellectual bullies are still bullies.

  • plmkrzy

    You sound perfectly articulate and intelligent to me. Perhaps you only need to be more confident.

    When I began to read about the game, I couldn’t help laughing! I had a mental picture of Gene Wilder and Richard Prior and a bunch of inmates dukeing it out and pushing each other off their squares! Sounds like a real stupid game. By watching, you probably got more out of it then they did

  • berylblue

    Hmmmm...maybe Tim is right. I've missed my calling.

    Since I can't create on my own, but seem to do much better "fixing up" what I perceive to be wrong with others' work, perhaps I should become a critic of some sort. Would fit in really well with my negative nature.

    Okay, here's another game we played in the psych hospital.

    We were told that the earth would be destroyed, and that we had an hour to board a space craft to start a new world. Problem was, there were 19 of us, and only room for 8 in the space craft.

    We were all given slips of paper, on which was written our occupation. On that basis, discussion would start as to whom was going to be permitted to board the space craft.

    Sexes, unless obvious (as in the pregnant woman) were to be the sex of the recipient of that occupation. So, if a woman got a piece of paper saying, "carpenter", she was a female carpenter. Or scientist. That would further aid discussion.

    So, we get our pieces of paper. I took one look at mine and groaned. I knew I was dead meat, right then and there.

    Can anyone guess who I was?

    Oh, and yes, I was the first to go.


  • jgnat

    Beryl, this one is too easy. You were the preacher.

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