Intellectually Lazy

by berylblue 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Please stop!!!!!
    Stop thinking you are "dummies", "not smart enough", "not good enough", "not What the Fxxx"

    Aye! I second that, Teeny.

    We all have our strengths and weaknesses. Just because one is not interested in doing research on the WTS doesn’t make them “intellectually lazy”. Perhaps, they prefer spending their energies elsewhere. And you know what? There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    To be honest, I really don’t have much in-depth knowledge about the bible or the WTS. I do know the basics and I am satisfied with that; it’s enough for me at this time. If I need to know more, then I will focus my energies in learning more.

    However, there are subjects that I probably know more about than most people. For example, I know a lot about Leukemia, because I’ve done a vast amount of research on it.

    But, ask me to quote the bible? My response would probably be something like: duhhhh?

    And please! Please! Never ask me anything about how a car works! My lack of knowledge in that area (other than putting the key in the hole and pushing the little peddle thingy) would truly mortify any car-loving enthusiast.

    Oh, and then there's computers! (Good thing my sister builds them)


  • berylblue

    no, I don't think we had a preacher.

    We had a scientist, a prostitute, a construction worker, a pregnant woman, a horticulturalist, a teacher....quite a few more, and then me.

  • DFWnonJW

    either a politician or a mortician. NO wait, you was the Jehovah's Witness wasn't ya

  • jgnat


  • berylblue

    I was the president of the US. As soon as the other inmates heard that, they all said, in unison, "Goodbye"

  • Hamas

    It depends on my mood, and what kind of stuff i'm studying.

    When it comes to things JW, such as the Regtech scandal etc, I'd rather let others write it all down in black and white.


  • rocketman

    One thing I am is, not so much intellectually lazy (I hope) but I am a bit reluctant to do deep reading off a computer, because my eyes bother me when I look at the screen for any length of time. I do enjoy reading books though, and I'll gladly read printed material.

  • berylblue


    You know, Hamas, I think you'd be surprised at how many Americans (whom I know personally; naturally I can't speak for everyone, much as I'd love to) have the same sentiment, but dare not say as much due to fear of being labelled the dreaded "anti-Semitic".


    "She's anti-Semetic."

    "Can you blame her?"

    Comedian Jerry Seinfeld, trying to convince his uncle....oh, well, never mind. If you saw the episode, you'll know why I inserted that. (Anyone?)

    Peronally, I'm anti-semanticist.

  • badolputtytat

    I had posted this elsewhere, but this exact subject was what made me download the thing to begin with. I have a hard time sitting at the computer and reading long posts... this program is one of those text-to-speech engines.. pretty simple to use, and doesnt take up a lot of room. You just copy/paste anything into it and it reads it to you. And it's free.

    It helps when I am distracted, or working on something and I just want to listen... You have to kinda play with the speeds and voices to make it sound more realistic; but once you get it set and get used to it... pretty cool. Been using the old version for a couple years.

  • berylblue
    It is also inefficient and a waste of time to resent of somebody else's superiority

    I wouldn't say I resent it, I guess more of wishing I could be the same.

    But hey, I'll bet AlanF can't ....ummm....let me think....what can I do.....


    (of the desperately reaching for straws class)

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