Did you lose respect for your parents because of the JW / Watchtower crap ?

by run dont walk 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    This is probaly one of my biggest problems I dealt with growing up in the JW crap.

    It's no fun growing up alone.

    I am sorry, BUT I hated my parents (probaly from the time I was 13), I know that is mean and a terrible thing to say, but that's how I felt. I had no respect for them growing up in the borg. They taught me NOTHING about ................

    having a relationship/dating

    finding a job

    managing finances

    how to buy a house / car

    setting goals in life (besides JW garbage)

    socializing skills (which many JWs have problems with after leaving)

    what life is about/ and the enjoyments out there

    having children

    there were living in oblivion, and today it is WORSE can you imagine that ??? they are as stupid as ever, all I get is ................

    " oh, are you thinking about coming back, because Armageddon is SOON! "

    AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as Charlie Brown would say.

    Can pick you neighbors, Can't pick your parents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did anyone else feel this way growing up ??????????

  • metatron

    My parents were a product of their time and just as deceived as I was. I think they knew about Rutherford's scandalous

    behavior in secret but were still very loyal. I still feel very bad about my mother's passing away - I think she started

    to see that the organization really wasn't what it claimed to be and I was very angry as an elder at the Society.

    Better that she passed away in peace, and ignorance.


  • Kaethra

    Hey run...is it ok if I call you run, hun? :)

    I know what you mean. My parents were forever giving me the lecture about "respecting" them....the thing was, I never really did anything bad in the first place...I just "talked back" when they were giving me yet another lecture about some ridiculous, petty thing...like not wanting to sit for an hour during the family study...GAWWDD!! How I HATED that family study...SOOOO BORING! It wasn't enough that we had to go to all the meetings, read all the literature, then re-read and re-study it on our own before the meetings, then again before field service, and then go in field service itself...it's no wonder I hated that one additional hour of "family study" so!

    Whew! Got off on a bit of a tangent about the family study....did I mention how much I HATED family study?

    Anyway...most parents need to realize that they have to actually EARN their children's respect. That's not a psychology lesson that goes over too well in any fundamentalist household, unfortunately.

  • AlanF

    I have absolutely no respect left for my parents. They've lied to my face, disowned me, and worst of all, lied to themselves. Integrity is not a quality they possess. Loyalty to the Governing Body is everything.


  • Elsewhere

    Parent? What parents?

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    They've lied to my face, disowned me, and worst of all, lied to themselves.

    That is the BEST description I have heard in a long long long time.

    VERY WELL SAID ALANF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    managing finances

    how to buy a house / car

    Well, I was lucky. None of my family were ever JWs. And they were and still are good moral people and I pretty much like them. However, they didn't teach me to manage finances (which has caused me problems in my adult life) and they didn't teach me squat about buying a house or car (they didn't have problems in those areas, they just never taught me). Mostly because they're clueless about the house buying/selling thing...they bought the house they live in when I was a baby, and have no intention of ever moving.

    This only really matters because right now I'm in House-Selling Hell. Edited because I forgot (is there an icon whose head explodes? that'd be me about now)

  • IslandWoman

    My mother believed, I believed, I taught my children to believe. Nothing new. The Catholics and other religions have been doing that for thousands of years. She was duped, I was duped, my children were duped.

    No one to blame really, just a part of life.


  • blondie

    Since I am the child of verbally, emotionally, sexually, and spiritually abusive parents, one JW and one non-JW, the WT crap was not the biggest issue in my life. I never any respect for my parents to lose.


  • czarofmischief

    My parents were and still are the best.

    When I stopped expecting miracles from them and just accepted what they felt they could give, I got better. They really bent the "rules" a lot, and I realize that makes them the parental exceptions on this board, but they really did try to do right by me and still do.

    Now I pity them, and their decisions that have created the horrible sensation of a wasted life, and I don't blame them for wanting to live out the rest of their lives playing their religious game. When push came to shove, they were not found wanting in natural family affection, and they can go in peace as far as I'm concerned.

    Having my own life and things I'm acheiving makes me feel good about everything, makes me feel at peace with the years I spent in service and all that crap. They tried to do their best, they weren't abusive, they kept me fed, tried to teach me morals. What more can a parent do?


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