
by l3gi0n 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • l3gi0n

    What do you think of Israel Being reestablished in one Day on May 14 ,1948? Do you think it is the fulfillment of

    Isaiah 66:7 "Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son. 8 Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen such things? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she gives birth to her children

    I think it makes since, but I would like to know if anyone else feels the same. The Isaiah book says some thing about beeing let out of prison, in 1919, and how the AWAKE! magizne is the fulfillment.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Well, I3

    Personally, I feel the tower is a day late and a dollar short, where any ''prophecy'' is concerned.

    And modern Israel was not ''born in a day''.

    Many, many countries were concerned about the palestinians, and what a Jewish State would do to the Middle East. We are now watching in horror, as these worries are brought to fruition..

    And besides, the situation was brought to International vote, and was won by one vote. (If my history is not too rusty) That being the US

    This vote was conducted by the UN..... The ''Scarlet Beast'' according to the watchtower....

    Why would the Org, base prophecy on the devil?

    And, if they are so ''enlightened'', why didnt they inform, through their ''food at the proper time'', these events years in advance???

    More often than not, the society uses current events,as learned from wordly sources, to try to get a 50-50 chance to prove themselves god inspired..

    In order to appear god's channel, they must take a different stance than the world takes, and thus are almost always wrong...

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Go to any search engine and type in "history of Israel", a good site will give you all the background you need to decide if it "came forth" in a day.

  • JCanon
    I think it makes since, but I would like to know if anyone else feels the same. The Isaiah book says some thing about beeing let out of prison, in 1919, and how the AWAKE! magizne is the fulfillment.

    Certainly! 1947 is the 50th jubilee from 455BCE, the actual year the Jews returned to Palestine from Babylon. The jubilee is the first year of each 49 years, which is like a week of weeks. Each 70-week period of 490 years if 10 jubilees. 5 periods would thus be 50 jubilees. 490 x 5 = 2450. 2450 - 455 = 1995 +1 = 1996. Thus 1996 ends the 50th jubilee from 455BCE. The jubilee would be 49 years earlier which is 1947 (1996 - 49 = 1947).

    The technical Biblical fulfillment is the "end of the gentile times" and thus the time when the gentiles stopped ruling there which would be November 30, 1947. This allowed for the official State of Israel to be established. Still the Bible did prophecy that the "end" would occur after a "great tribulation" for the Jews, which was the Holocaust, and so true to Bible prophecy, the Jews were restored to their homeland, very significantly on a double-jubilee, the 50th-50th, in 1947-1948!! Defnitely fulfills prophecy.

    In fact, this event is so clear-cut that you can date the end of 1290 days in 1947-1948. The symbolic 1290 days marks the "end of the gentile times" and thus it is used to create some significance for 1992 which is the fulfillment of the 1335 days. This is developed by many people. I'll try to find a reference for you. But significant events in Jewish history is thought to be fulfilled here. The Balfour agreement just 30 years earlier in 1917 is thought to fulfill the 1260 days, the return to Palestine in 1947, the 1290 days, and something in 1992 fulfills the 1335 days, though nothing significant on the national scene really happened that year, but people are looking at this event, just as you are.

    Thanks for the post!


  • little witch
    little witch

    A better question is:

    Why did this post sit idle for over an hour and a half, without response, until someone gave an opinion that jcannon disagreed with?

    Oops, not what you wanted to hear, Cannon?

    Could it be you are putting your time in, looking for ''lost ones''?

  • JCanon
    Why did this post sit idle for over an hour and a half, without response, until someone gave an opinion that jcannon disagreed with?

    Hi little witch.

    You know, I talk about this all the time and the return of the Jews right at the time of the 50th jubilee is a central point for me, for dating the "end of the gentile times." I only casually read your comment and didn't really think you were disagreeing with me. Anyway, I was adressing the original post primarily.

    I respect your opinion but I didn't feel I needed to disagree with you.

    The opinions of others don't bother me, I know every one and every topic will not have a 100% concensus.


  • l3gi0n

    Ok I have been reading a little, It looks like the Jews started moving back in 1878, But in 1948 British control over the land ended, and Israel had declared its independence, and was acknowledged all in the same day, And then war started the next day, So it would seem that in fact The nation was born in only a day, and the Labor pain was later (the next day) as war always precedes the creation of a new nation, and in this case it came after.

  • mizpah

    Didn't most of the Old Testament prophcies predict peace and prosperity for Israel and the world upon its return? If true, how can we correlate the present conditions in Israel with these prophecies?

    It is interesting that many ultra orthodox Jews reject the idea. They feel that prophecy will not be fulfilled until the Messiah appears. They look upon Zionism and the state of Israel as an attempt to force a false fulfillment against the will of God.

    What is more important to me is the fact that the Jews and Israel are still around to see the fulfillment of these ancient prophecies regardless of how they are fulfilled.

  • JCanon
    Didn't most of the Old Testament prophcies predict peace and prosperity for Israel and the world upon its return? If true, how can we correlate the present conditions in Israel with these prophecies?

    No. The peace and prosperity come during the "millennium" after Armageddon. Before that is promised great turmoil in the earth. But the Bible does say that God would bless Israel! Thus even though Israel hasn't had total peace, it has prospered in an amazing way as a nation. The Jews, going from one-third Holocaust survivors into an international state I think is impressive. Even they are amazed with themselves!


  • Pleasuredome

    what a load of rubbish. the jews today have nothing to do with bible prophecy. 1948 means nothing.

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