Am I Considered a FEMINIST? Is That a BAD Thing?

by teenyuck 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maverick

    When feminism started it had noble aims. Improve the quality of life and insure the well being of women. To give women a voice, socially, politically, and culturally. In practical terms its goal was highjacked by a more anti male militiant group. Its goal, as I have explained to my 18 year old daughter, has more to do with disenpowering man than actually helping women. Ladies.... feminism, as it stands now, is not designed to make you happy! A happy woman is a lousy feminist. Your controllers want you pissed off, and they want that anger directed at men! My daughter is welcome to stand up for womens rights. I have said to her...DO NOT shove it in my face and try to punish me for the injustice in the world. I love women and I love my baby dearly, but I'll no more take shit from some angry women anymore than I'll take shit from a smoker who is pissed because he has to take his cig. outside to smoke! Women are not the enemy, and ladies neither are men. As to weather being a feminist is good or bad... judge for yourself. I think it is like being a dud. Your doing someone else's bidding. Maverick

  • worldlygirl

    I just operate under the assumption that everyone - - everyone - - should be treated equally. In fact, this has worked for me. I am VP of a large construction company that has been run by a good-'ol-boy network for years, but I got in there and worked my ass of and got the position I deserved. I think they actually forget I am female. I honestly think most people will give you what you deserve as long as you're not a whiner. Women who are always bitching because people treat them differently need to focus on something positive - - hard work, education, whatever. Same for any other minority.

  • Euphemism

    With all due respect, I believe that the dictionry definition above is outdated.

    At least here in the US, we have reached a point, socially, where equality between the sexes is the accepted norm. That does not mean that it is always achieved... women still carry the bulk of the burden of child-rearing and housework, and are--on average--paid less than men, even when other factors are controlled for.

    But the general social consensus of the U.S. is current in favor equality between the sexes. So to call someone a feminist implies a level of activism beyond merely favoring political, social, and economic equality.

    Whether that is a good thing or not, I wouldn't dare pronounce an opinion on.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    In practical terms its goal was highjacked by a more anti male militiant group.

    You know, I don't ever hear feminists actually being "anti male militants", and I know a lot of them. The only ones I hear saying feminism is about being an anti-male militant, is guys like Rush Limbaugh, who want to demonize feminism and feminists. Actually, hearing people who don't like feminism talk about what a feminist 'is', is alot like hearing JWs talk about what "apostates" are, how they act, and what they think.

    Its goal, as I have explained to my 18 year old daughter, has more to do with disenpowering man than actually helping women. Ladies.... feminism, as it stands now, is not designed to make you happy!

    Excuse me, but I find it rather, um, interesting that a man thinks he knows more about what feminism really is and what its goals are, than women who are feminists. That's like me telling you that you're wrong about what it's like to be a teenage boy.

    A happy woman is a lousy feminist.

    In my experience this is incorrect.

    Even if a woman is happy with her personal treatment by the men in her life (more power to those men), she may espouse "feminist" causes like birth control education, stopping child prostitution in the third world, and female genital mutilation. She may also work on feminist issues like equal treatment under the law (on average, a man who has a record of wife abuse and eventually kills her, serves less jail time than a woman who, after suffering years of [documented] spousal abuse, kills her abusive husband).

    I know many women who have been unhappy (with very good reason) with their treatment by some men, who are feminist. They don't blame all men for the actions of a few.

    I even have known a couple of women (only a couple) who actually do hate men. Without exception, they were women who have undergone horrific long-term abuse as children and adults, and have seen male authority figures refuse to help, and other men either refuse to help or just not care...thinking it's "not that big a deal" or "you're overreacting." If every man in a woman's life has either abused her or didn't care, it's no wonder she thinks all men are scum.

  • avishai
    You know, I don't ever hear feminists actually being "anti male militants", and I know a lot of them

    Andrea Dworkin? Catherine macinnon? Is being a "Masculist" a bad thing? The phrase itself denotes you are more for women than others. I have known women who hate men for the reasons stated above. I have known men who hate women for the same reason. Too bad. I have been brutalized as a child by more than one woman. Eardrums broken, cracked ribs. I don't hate them, I love them. Abuse is no excuse for generalized hatred. Also, I was beaten within an inch of my life by five black men. Another one saved my life. So?

  • Xena

    We are WOMEN with OPINIONS using WORDS to vocalize them....we are WOW

    People use labels and words when they are losing an argument. I enjoy reading your are an intelligent, informed woman. I don't always agree with you, heck I don't always agree with anyone, but I respect the forthright way you present your views. You aren't a feminist (although there is nothing WRONG with that, said in Sienfield voice) You are just WOW

  • expatbrit

    I'm a big fan of bra-burning.

    Having said that, I never believe anyone when they say that they want equality. Everyone wants superiority, it's human nature.

    Besides, equality is bunk.


  • SYN

    Tina: Depends what you mean by "feminism".

    ExpatBrit: I love the Womble. Really, I do. Wombles are totally excellent.

  • obiwan

    I think anyone can call themselves or act anyway they want, as long as it does not impede rational thinking.

    Just my two cents.

  • smurfette

    Feminism=Equality. If someone speaks of you in a deragatory manner for wanting to be their equal I don't think their opinion is worth much in the first place and I wouldn't waste my time with them. I think some people take feminism too far when it stops being about equality and becomes a hate filled superiority complex. I call those sorts femi-nazis. There's alot of he-man woman haters out there too.

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