Am I Considered a FEMINIST? Is That a BAD Thing?

by teenyuck 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I think your husband is in the best position to answer that question. As for me, I have no problems with your opinions. Your in the drivers seat with YOUR life.

    Guest 77

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I have worked full time in the chemical industry for the last 14 years, I have a BSc in Industrial Chemistry, and I earn £10 000/annum more than my husband. It sounds like I must be an ugly, man hating dyke, eh?

    I am a feminist, because I believe I should have the same rights as a man to vote, own property, earn the same wage for the same work, and so on. Its not so long ago I would not have had those rights by virtue of not having my genitalia on the outside.

    I am very happily married to a wonderful man, a very masculine, attractive man. He is a man with enough self worth, self esteem and maturity to not feel he has to keep me down to prove himself.

    I know that there are women out there who are rude and ungrateful if they are shown a little courtesy by a man. I believe those women must be woefully lacking in self esteem to think that accepting sincere courtesy demeans them. I also believe they are in the smallest minority.

    There are men out there that are always declaring how much they love women - but are repulsed by a woman with opinions.

    There are women out there who are also more than happy to enjoy the rights that have been won for them, but say "I am not a feminist". This I cannot understand.

  • teenyuck
    I think your husband is in the best position to answer that question. As for me, I have no problems with your opinions. Your in the drivers seat with YOUR life.

    Well, I asked my husband last night if he thought I were a *feminist*. He said no. He also asked why? Who had called me that?

    He saw the negative connotation when I did not. He does not see me that way at all.

    It is interesting how typed words can change a person into something totally different. Perhaps with facial expressions and hand gestures I would not come off so....strong. Then again, I do have strong opinions and when a discussion starts on a topic with friends, I always give my *honest* opinion. They know I will not BS them.

    One of our male friends is the type who will say to his wife "You are an idiot, you don't know what you are talking about." Frankly, when I hear that, he knows that he will get a verbal *dressing down*, quickly and painfully, by me. I don't want to hear a man, someone we call a friend, say that stuff to his wife. Especially in front of his daughter. The wife always thank me for speaking out on her behalf. She is afraid to speak out. She has been told, so many times, that she is "an idiot", that she now believes it. (BTW, He is saying it less and less in front of me. He is learning...)

    I don't think any of that makes me a feminist. It just makes Some one with an opinion and is willing to state it.

    We are WOMEN with OPINIONS using WORDS to vocalize them....we are WOW

    Xena....that is great! Your whole paragraph was great!

    With all due respect, I believe that the dictionry definition above is outdated.

    At least here in the US, we have reached a point, socially, where equality between the sexes is the accepted norm.

    I think the dictionary is correct, as far as I am concerned. However, I don't think we have achieved anywhere near equality. Only in education. Women are now over 50% of college graduates. Yet we still make 65-70% on the dollar as men.

    Thank you all for your input. This was an interesting thread.

  • Robdar

    Like in the discussion with Robdar and the preacher that turned into a thread about evil men cheating on their wives. I think statistics show that infidelity is usually 50/50. Somehow, some people seem to think it's ok for women because they often give the 'I wasn't emotionally fulfilled' excuse or some BS. As if cheating is ok if you're emotionally 'horney', but wrong if you're just horney.


    That discussion turned into a thread "about evil men cheating on their wives" because we were talking about cheating men.

    You are free to start a thread about a married woman lying about being married to get you in bed and the same posters would be talking about evil women who cheat on their husbands.

    Nobody implied that it is okay for a woman to cheat. Nobody said that if you aren't emotionally fulfilled by your husband that it is okay to cheat on him.

    Any woman who says that she cheated on her husband because she isn't emotionally fulfilled is a rascal. Same as the cheating man.


  • MrsQ

    I'd also like to add the following:

    1 + 3 = 4

    2 + 2 = 4

    Both equations are equal, but both equations are completely different.

    I think there is definitely something to be said for the "yin yang" of male/female relationships. Men and women ARE different and each have very important things to contribute to family, business, and society in general--but the fact is, even in the 'oh-so-enlightened' USA, its been just a little over 100 years since women have been considered capable enough to vote. There are still a lot of nasty ideas floating around.


  • teenyuck
    There are men out there that are always declaring how much they love women - but are repulsed by a woman with opinions.

    There are women out there who are also more than happy to enjoy the rights that have been won for them, but say "I am not a feminist". This I cannot understand.

    I am thrilled that *we* can vote (only since 1920), own property, get an education (title 9, requiring colleges to offer women the same amount of scholarships for sports they offered men), work.

    Some day, (a recent survey, in the Chicago Tribune showed it will be around 2030 before some states reach equal pay for equal work) I will be paid equally again for the same work. We are decades away from that in the US. Some areas, like OB/GYN and union jobs, a woman will make the same as a man, other than that, it is very difficult. The glass ceiling exists. Too many studies and surveys prove it.

    I have no problem being labeled a feminist. The women who fought the system for us, now, are to be applauded.

  • Realist


    very good post!


    you make it sound as if man always had the right to vote. in fact it was only a very small minority of rich people that could vote. 99% were left out. the right to vote for woman followed relatively quickly. lastly came the right for minorities like black people.

  • teenyuck


    you make it sound as if man always had the right to vote. in fact it was only a very small minority of rich people that could vote. 99% were left out. the right to vote for woman followed relatively quickly. lastly came the right for minorities like black people.

    "At the time the Constitution was written, not only was suffrage restricted to white males, but it was further limited by religious, property, and taxpaying qualifications. By the time of the Civil War the principle of unrestricted white male suffrage was established, and it was mentioned in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. In theory, African American men achieved suffrage with the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment, but in fact some states threw up barriers to black voting that persisted into the 1960s. American women did not win their struggle for suffrage until ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, but unlike African Americans, they did not then have to continue the fight against state attempts to circumvent the law. A final extension of suffrage took place in 1971 when the Twenty-Sixth Amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18."

    This is true.

    We finally got the right to vote. And own property. And get an education.

    So what does that have to do with here and now and wanting to be treated equally? I still cannot make as much money as a man doing the same work.

  • Maverick

    Dear Iron,(Fe203)Girl, You show much wisdom. I have told my daughter she will have to work harder and do more to get what a man with the same skill and ability will receive. This is not right, but it is the way it has been. I hope I am proved wrong in the future. I hope the ground work laid by the men and women on this issue will send this inequity the way of apartheid! Maverick

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Women who believe that they are superior to men are NOT feminists. They are sexists. FEMINAZIS is what my feminist friends call them. Simply as that. If the definition of a feminism is about "equality" then there is no space for extremes. Equality is equality.

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