What stupid question would you like to ask?

by logansrun 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • zugzfree

    Can I ask a question? Oops, I just did.

  • ikhandi

    will jws ever be allowed to read crisis of conscience openly, and still hope to remain in good standing in the congregation?

  • gumby

    Bradley.....I have a question. I hope you don't think this is crazy but............

    "can a Jehovah's Witness have wet dreams every night and still be a servant in the congregation"?

    My conscience has been bothering me for years and I'm wondering if I should just step down?

    Actually dude I too have been missing the heavy duty stuff here. The fluff has definately increased and for those like yourself who likes the "meatier stuff" it can be a little trying. I find this forum.... and I'm sure others..... go thru these stages. It's a little boring at the present but at least you have my fine arse here to make it better.


  • logansrun

    LOL ikhandi. "Will there ever be a lesbian Governing Body member?" Duh!


  • logansrun

    Thanks Gumpy. You see, the thing that gets me isn't really the "fluff." Hell, I like some fluff every now and then, especially of the sexual variety . What bothers me is people that ask totally assinine questions -- which have been pulled out of their ass -- and expect serious answers. Like, "can a JW get a massage?" Geez, did you ever go to meetings or talk with a JW beyond just at the door? I guess it's the ex's that were totally weak and didn't know a damn thing about the religion that post such ludicrous stuff. There are people that know what they are talking about and there are people that don't have a clue. There seems to be a lot more of the latter lately. Perhaps this is a reflection of the dumbing down of the Society, I don't know...

    Bradley of the "Yeah, I know I piss you off, but you piss me off" class.

  • gumby


    guess it's the ex's that were totally weak and didn't know a damn thing about the religion that post such ludicrous stuff

    You hit the nail square on the head!


  • badolputtytat


    I am afraid I have to agree with you about some of the "questions". I know everybody here are great friends and I myself am guilty of "cutting up" (endlessly).... It IS a fun place to visit, and I enjoy hanging out on this site while I work..... BUT.... if ever the Society needs "proof" (you know THEIR kind of proof) that "we" are a bunch of Mindless hate mongers, here to just BASH the WT.... then I think they have all the "evidence" they need.

    Don't forget how they like to "Quote" people... always leaving out the really important stuff.

    Just a thought. I know... "shut the hell up!"..

    I'm goin' I'm goin'........................>

  • logansrun


    if ever the Society needs "proof" (you know THEIR kind of proof) that "we" are a bunch of Mindless hate mongers, here to just BASH the WT.... then I think they have all the "evidence" they need.

    Outstanding point! Here, here! I don't mind "bashing" each other here (especially if you are a mindless Christian or believe in ghosts and new age nonsense), but when it comes to the JW religion itself we should be as sharp as a samuraii blade as far as I'm concerned. That doesn't mean being "soft" on them. On the contrary! A truly intelligent, critical and balanced thrashing of the insanity of WT beliefs is what is needed. This means not berating them no matter what move they make or putting words in their mouths or attacking WT strawmen. As far as I can tell, people like AlanF, Gamaliel, JT and a few others are on the cutting edge of WT criticism and people should learn from them. A lot of the rest of the "bashing" that goes on here is unadulturated emotional nonsense -- hyped up and not very well thought out. Excellent point.


  • IslandWoman


    A lot of the rest of the "bashing" that goes on here is unadulturated emotional nonsense -- hyped up and not very well thought out.

    I believe this is a place to heal as well as to expose the Watchtower. Some of that "emotional nonsense" is the expression of deep hurt and anger that must find a release.

    If you feel the board needs some meat (and I agree by the way that it does) perhaps you could give us a list of subjects or issues you feel need to be addressed. Or even start a thread on one of them.


  • badolputtytat

    I understand the "hurt and anger"... that is perhaps the strongest part of this board... the healing, friendship and the sharing of emotions..

    But what I was refering to is the .... tacky? stuff.

    I recently wrote my own letter to the Society. I assured myself that I had something that would make a good statement. But then the more I read it, and the more I shared it with others.... I realized that it made me sound like a .... fanatic? I trashed it. Two other members here, kinda reminded me just to slow down a bit... get the facts first.

    Had I sent that letter, the boys at Bethel would probably just be saying "lookie another weirdo"... they could have used that letter to prove their own point "that the world is against them because they are truly 'god's' people".

    that is all I was trying to say. DONT GIVE THEM THE AMMO TO SHOOT YOU WITH. But that isn't suggesting that you dont say what you feel. Facts will kill the watchtower. Truth is their poison. Our hurt IS their shame... but we may invalidate it if we look like a bunch of nuts.

    That is why I sorta torment the "prophets" on here.... no time to be polite... sorry. This is a fight to the finish you know.

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