What stupid question would you like to ask?

by logansrun 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • primitivegenius

    if i couldnt cut up and make an all around ass of myself....................................... i wouldnt have anything to say lol. exquise me while i go stand in the cornor.

  • logansrun

    The purpose of this thread is not to say that people shouldn't post questions or that everyone should think a certain way. That would be authoritarian, counter-productive and unfair. On the contrary, the purpose of this thread is to get people to start thinking more critically of their own volition.

    Yes, I do not think all threads are equal. I think that this forum at times is silly, childish and mind-numbingly dense. At the same time there are some excellent threads and thought-provoking material. I just wish we had more of the latter and less of the former. Should people that write the "stupid" questions just stop? No, I don't think so. But, it would be nice if people analyzed their material and thought more critically about what they ask/write. (I'm refferring specifically to topics about the JWs. Like I said before, I have no problem with "fluff" per se.)


  • minimus

    "Stupid questions or stupid topics" are on here. No question about it. I think some posters love to disuss topics that mean nothing in the long run. Some like to talk about their pets. Some like to usually criticize some thing or another. Some posters here are simply sweet. Others are acerbic. Some are know it alls. Others are modest yet probably know more than those that blow their own trumpets. Many are still very devestated by their JW experiences. Others are mostly over it. Everyone is different. Let us celebrate our differences. Is that too much to ask???

  • logansrun


    Poster "A" is a critical thinker and makes rational, informed arguments based on sound logic

    Poster "B" is an uncritical thinker and makes emotionalized statements and poor arguments.

    Both are different. Should that difference be celebrated or would it be better if poster "B" upgraded his/her thinking skills? I await your answer...


  • Xena

    Why not try putting yourself in someone else's shoes? Try a little kindness and sympathy instead of ridiculing people or deriding their "thinking" skills.

    So sorry we all can't be smart like you...and ask smart questions and have smart answers to every god damn thing. So sorry we don't measure up to your standards of excellence.

    You know what? I work a very long hard day...then I go home and take care of my daughter alone...I am tired of thinking some days...so you know what in order to satisfy people like you I will take my poor thinking skills somewhere else.

  • badolputtytat

    You are right and I was wrong. I have broken my own private rule for myself.... "Never argue with a female. It is disrespectful and even if you are right... you will be sleeping on the couch". I apologized to the nut in question, and I apologize to you.

    Forgive my blatant male ego.... it overloaded my brain. It is forgotten.

  • Aztec
    Poster "A" is a critical thinker and makes rational, informed arguments based on sound logic

    Poster "B" is an uncritical thinker and makes emotionalized statements and poor arguments

    Bradley, is there a Poster "C"? I tend to do a bit of both and don't really care to be labelled as one or the other.

    Xena, don't get your feelings hurt. You are capable of rational, informed arguments. Besides, I love ya!


  • Xena

    sorry puttytat that last post wasn't for you...

    if I went a bit over the top I apologize...I am very stressed at the moment and just want to relax and have fun...but I am rapidly coming to the conclusion I need to find somewhere else to do it....it apparently irritates the "thinkers" way to much...and to be honest I don't feel very comfortable posting here anymore....lol I don't need to be made to feel bad about myself anymore...I had years and years of that.

    as for your nut and what I would have done...most of the time I would just laugh and continue on my merry way...lol but today who knows how I might have reacted...

    I find some things interesting other people possibly don't...I don't find others interesting, but I don't feel the need to label someone else a nut...or stupid...or unthinking..because of what they do enjoy....that is until I see a thread like this calling what someone else posts or asks stupid..then I feel free to let lose about that...am I am hypocrite? Maybe so maybe so...

  • no one
    no one
    No one should put guidelines on what topics can or can't be discussed.

    Thank you for your confidence in me concerning this matter, but I must respectfully decline.

  • minimus

    Bradley, why not just rid ourselves of A or B ??? The forum can be and should be a mix. If a person is emotionally fragile and wants to talk about something we might think is not intellectually stimulating, so what? Must we feel that they SHOULD bring themselves up a notch? If they don't then what? Deride them? Make them feel inferior? Why not just exterminate them. They're no goo to anyone. Obviously, this would be wrong. Not everyone is on the same page. That is what makes the world go round and keeps us from becoming snobs.

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