Where do you go to die?

by wasasister 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Interesting topic and of course You Know has a predictable answer. In reality I agree with him on the issue that it does not really matter how our bodies are "disposed of" after death, but of course we reach this conclusion by completely different paths (Robert, you and I never seem to be on the same path).

    I have no religious beliefs but my death won't be difficult for me, it will be hard for those who love me. I will let them decide how best to arrange things when my time comes because I want them to have whatever would comfort them. If they wanted high mass sung over my body three days straight what would it matter to me? (this wouldn't happen, just an example) Nor would I be aware if they dug a hole in the backyard and put me in it though I can't see this happening either.

    My only request is that no one is foolish enough to squander a lot of resources on the matter. I'd rather some living person in need benefit on that count.


  • You Know
    You Know

    [are you in fact saying that those who limit their learning entirely to WT teachings are biblically illiterate?]

    You yourself have said it. LOL / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    [QUOTE] those "assumptions" are what I gleaned from the Watchtower and other WT literature. I based my life decisions on
    those publications for 20 years. [QUOTE]

    That's my point. And because the Watchtower has not revealed the half of Jehovah's judgments, you are therefore ignorant of how God purposes to deal with the issues pertaining to his organization. That's the beauty of the Bible, that people can read it from cover to cover, many times over, and still not get the sense of it. Even the apostles had certain things concealed from them until such time as the Lord chose to enlighten them. So, too, today, to have discernment into these things, it requires Jehovah to lift the veil, which of course he will do when his time arrives. That's why Jehovah guaranteees that the apostates within Zion will shiver when he reveals his judgments. / You Know

  • JAVA

    Tina, the journal I enjoy is The Humanist.http://www.humanist.net/publications/humanist-contents.html It's their bimonthly magazine of critical inquiry and social concern that's published by the American Humanist Association.

    Concerning the Religious Humanist; I really don't see much difference between them and Unitarians. The above journal has articles by and about them periodically.

    I'm glad you found a group close by even if you can't meet with them regularly. It's good to get with others and BS from time to time.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • JAVA

    You Know,

    That's the beauty of the Bible, that people can read it from cover to cover, many times over, and still not get the sense of it.

    So here we have a God that claims He wrote the Bible to help and instruct, but the "beauty of the Bible" is that He made it so followers could "not get the sense of it." You had the gull to call others "stupid" when I asked you a question you couldn't answer. It looks like you've impaled yourself on the name you call others.

    I used to think Fred Hall had the lowest IQ on this forum, however it seems he's been bumped from that honor. Sorry Fred, you'll need to do better in order to beat . . . well . . You Know.

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • You Know
    You Know

    I can answer any question you got. In fact, I got answers to questions you have never even thought of. LOL Just because I choose not to answer a baited or moronic question doesn't mean I don't know the answer. Jesus often refused to answer foolish questions. But, certainly his words apply especially to apostates when he said: "By hearing you will hear but by no means get the sense of it." Because in your presumption you imagine that you know the Bible, you pretty much validat Jesus' words. You are truly laughable. / You Know

  • JAVA
    I can answer any question you got.

    One more time: Name the religions God approves today?

    In fact, I got answers to questions you have never even thought of. LOL

    Wow, if you can do that here's another question, oh great one: Name the religions from 1000 to 1870 that God approved? I've always wanted to know that, and wait patiently for your answer.

    You are truly laughable

    Spoken as a true servant of the Watchtower Society. Please answer another question, oh great one with all the answers: Why do the looniest laugh the loudest?

    ...counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • reagan_oconnor

    I've made it clear to the husbandly unit that I can remarry; however, he cannot!


    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

  • You Know
    You Know

    [QUOTE] Name the religions God approves today?[QUOTE]

    It is not possible to definitively answer that question for the simple reason that Jehovah has not expressed his judgment. When his judgments are unveiled before the world during the oncoming tribulation period, then, the sons of God will be revealed. That means that Jehovah will unmistakably demonstrate who his anointed ones are. So until that revelation each can have their opinion, but when once the son of man arrives, he will force the world to recognize who the true ones are.

    [QUOTE]Name the religions from 1000 to 1870 that God approved? I've always wanted to know that, and wait patiently for your answer.[QUOTE]

    It really doesn't matter. Jehovah's covenanted people were pretty much absorbed into Christendom shortly after the apostles died off. Although there were a few scattered individuals that were anointed down through history, they for the most part were all alone. Only during the presence of Christ, before his unveiling during the tribulation, would these scattered individuals be gathered back into anything that could pass as a religious organization. At the unveiling Jesus will indicate who his brothers are, and that of course will not be good news for apostates. / You Know

  • reagan_oconnor

    those "assumptions" are what I gleaned from the Watchtower and other WT literature. I based my life decisions on those publications for 20 years.

    That's my point. And because the Watchtower has not revealed the half of Jehovah's judgments, you are therefore ignorant of how God purposes to deal with the issues pertaining to his organization.

    You missed the point: Millions of JWs put their faith in God through the Watchtower, believing the garbage that is spewed forth. They use that information in an attempt to try to live their lives the way “He” wants them to. After all, the WTBTS advertises itself as “God’s mouthpiece.” The R&F think it’s from God, but it isn’t. These modern-day scribes and Pharisees sitting in Brooklyn are more concerned with controlling the masses than they are with their spiritual well-being.

    That's the beauty of the Bible, that people can read it from cover to cover, many times over, and still not get the sense of it. Even the apostles had certain things concealed from them until such time as the Lord chose to enlighten them. So, too, today, to have discernment into these things, it requires Jehovah to lift the veil, which of course he will do when his time arrives.

    Hmmm... how am I supposed to "know" God and have a relationship with Him if I “can’t understand” Him? Oh, I forgot, the Watchtower is the only channel by which God communicates with mankind. Yep, that's right. “Forget your Bible, read the NWT! Pick up a Watchtower! We can explain everything to you!” [8>]

    There are a great many things about the Bible that we common folk don’t understand. I prefer to go to God in prayer, asking Him to guide my path. I don’t need a Society to dictate my relationship with God.

    This idiot is making me tired…

    "I'm not a woman to be honked at." -- Maureen O'Hara, The Quiet Man

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