Thank you to all who responded to the original topic...both of you.
The subject of a death ritual has been on my mind and I thought it might be of interest to some here. I posted it rather late last night and went to bed. Imagine my surprise upon returning from work to find the thread three pages long! How gratifying that others found the subject interesting enough to reply.
Then, imagine my disappointment to find out the majority of the activity was You Know wringing his hands in glee over the prospect of bloated, apostate bodies, rotting in the sun. I sure hope Jehovah is thoughtful enough to leave YK on earth for a time to enjoy this sight before taking him up to heaven. I can just picture it now, YK stepping over thousands of corpses thinking: "Oh, there's one! Hey, I found Uncle Bruce! And I'm pretty sure this corpse is Kent, although the face is almost completely eaten away by carrion birds. This one appears to be a child, although it could be an apostate dwarf. No matter, they had it coming. Didn't understand Jehovah's judgements."
So, thank you for your compassion, You Know. I'm very relieved I don't have to worry about my funeral arrangements.
For the rest of you, nice try, but reasoning with YK is like a broken pencil: pointless. He's not even intelligent enough to realize when he's been bested.
Some good suggestions here about making arrangements in advance. As for me, I've instructed my daughters to have me stuffed and mounted on a chair next to my computer monitor so I can haunt this place forever. Don't worry, I'll leave a window open so the vultures can get in when the time comes. When was that again, YK?
Bye...for now