Had Enough:
Yes, I came back and I appreciate what you wrote. This is exactly why I raised the issue in the first place. I agree - we must all make plans so as not to put unfair burdens on our family and loved ones once we are gone. Since "time and unforseen circumstances befall us all", it would be foolish not to deal with this now, while we are able.
As for others feeling "sad" for me, please do not bother. You are wrong if you perceive I am worried about death. In fact, I am far less worried about dying than I ever was as an active Witness. When I was a youth, I knew I would be resurrected, but I thought I would never have the opportunity to have a child since resurrected ones would be like the angels and not ever enjoy marriage. Later on, I knew that nothing I ever did was enough. No matter how hard I tried in the Truth, the best I could ever manage was "probably I would be concealed in the Day of Jehovah's Anger." Some comfort that was!
Now, I am content in the knowledge I have lived a good life; I have given generously and harmed no one. I no longer wonder if something of me will live on...I KNOW it. My two children are testimony to the life I lead. I shared in producing them and making them the loving, successful, thoughtful, secure individuals they are. They will pass this on to their children, and so on.
I would far prefer this to living an eternity with narrow-minded, vindictive, hateful people. This thought is more like hell than Dante ever envisioned.
Thank you for your comments, Had Enough.