Would you have left if you had it into a position of power?

by GermanXJW 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    You're an honorable man, Little Toe. I feel sorry for a couple of friends of mine -- they are so unhappy being "in" but are, to quote one of them, "still trying to make it work." Always tired, always depressed --my heart goes out to them, because I was in that same situation a couple of years ago.

    Freedom is wonderful.


  • primitivegenius

    yeah thats what i think about it nina ........ there never gonna be happy and no matter what lengths they go to........ there not gonna be able to do much good. a life of endless depression with very little rewards being evident............. wow thats the life for me......... NOT

  • GermanXJW
    I DA'ed at the end of my last Public Talk.

    Was the talk's topic according your announcement?

  • LittleToe

    I've just finished listening to it, and can hardly believe it was me giving it. I'm feeling a little morose.
    As I mentioned earier, it has had it's own costs.

    I used an old outline "Mercy a Domininant Quality for True Christians", and printed my own outline on the reverse side, using the same theme.

    After over 18 months, it's about time that I transcribed it, as the recording isn't really the best quality.

  • drwtsn32

    LittleToe, I just listened to your talk. Amazing; I'm glad you had the nerve to stand up and say what you did. I only hope that you were able to get through to some people.

  • benext

    Spots on the GB don't open up very often.

  • Francois

    GermanJW, your comment about having "power over" other people puts the problem in perfect perception.

    The Master did not set up his followers so that anyone would have "power over" their brothers. He upbraided them when they came seeking the most powerful positions with him in the kingdom.

    When you think of the only two laws He left us (Love God with a whole soul; love your neighbor as yourself) there is nothing in those words that even hints at power over other people. As is so succintly put elsewhere, it is the man demonstrating power over his own tongue who is powerful. This concept of power over other people is the outworking of the Spirit of Satan working in the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and constitutes the ultimate bastardization of The Master's teachings about God, who is LOVE.

  • Euphemism

    Little Toe's link is down due to lack of bandwidth. Does anyone else have some spare webspace they could use to host it? I'd gladly offer, but my domain name has my full name in it, so that would kind of blow my cover...

    Before I read Crisis of Conscience I wanted to try to become an elder; I didn't have any fantasies that I could change the organization, but I thought that I could at least be an influence in my local congregation. After reading CoC, I realized that I was in denial, and that the plan was futile.

  • LittleToe

    Couldn't agree more, Frank.

    Darn, must have used up a pile getting it all working again (I had to upload the sound file again).
    It'll soon be available again.

  • Amazing


    I was an Elder and also professed to be of the Anointed for many years. Power and position all seemed rather pointless, meaningless and empty when I concluded that the Watchtower organization is a fraud.

    Serving as an Elder and Congregation Secretary was enough for me to realize the entire Watchtower system is morally and socially bankrupt from top to bottom. Their judicial system is only distinguished from the Spanish Inquisition by the fact that the Watchtower Society does not endorse executing or physically torturing their victims.

    Since leaving the continued discovery of their financial empire, legal compromise with the UN, continued concealment of JW pedophiles, and long history of misleading doctrine all have added more and more weight to my conclusions about them.

    The overwhelming similar testimony by thousands of former JWs, like yourself, hammer the final nails in the coffin which condemns the Watchtower religion as a moral, ethical, spiritual, and criminal blight on our planet. Like all other such empires, they will fall, and fall hard. - Jim W.

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