When Jw say :"It was your personal choice"

by JT 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    The avg jw when confronted with pass issues such as not going to college, setting up retirement plans while you are 23 for when you get 65, seeking a better paying job will often try to hide behind

    "It was a personal decision".

    While in one context that is true, there is one problem. Every jw knows but will not admit it publicly that before any MAJOR PERSONAL DECISIONS such as the above are made---------

    they have been taught to see what the Slave says on the matter thereby seeing what the view of god is on the matter, once that is done then they are better able to make a decision that reflects "Christian Maturity"

    Consider these 3 issue below – based on the wt publicaitons such things as :

    1. going to college,

    2.setting up retirement for when you reach 65 while you are 23yrs old

    3 seeking a better paying job instead of reducing your work hours to pioneer

    the above has always been COUCHED in the context of if you do one you are "Spiritual and Mature" "seeking first the kingdom. AND if you chose the other you are not.

    Those are the 2 choices that every jw who reads this post knows


  • DannyBear

    Hello James,

    **** Those are the 2 choices that every jw who reads this post knows****

    Even if they do not admit it.

    Trouble with us (you/me) Jt is that we tried to be such 'good' little jw boy's. I now kinda envy the 'weak ones' who ignored all hype and went to school anyway!


  • pettygrudger

    Very true John - good points!

    Even as far as becoming baptized - who WASN'T "pressured" to do this? I just heard of an ex-friend of mine daughter who will be getting baptized this summer - she's 15 (same age as I was). While it seems to be her personal choice - its a social pressure situation - she really can't understand fully what she is doing (imho). "Everyone is so proud of her - she's seeking "spiritual" maturity" yadda yadda yadda ya.......

  • DannyBear


    Just read your other thread wherein you posted Ray's comments.........

    2. For all practical purposes the "faithful slave" requires Jehovah's Witnesses to act as if it were infallible.

    So true.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    This is no different than when

    my father held his fist in my face and dared me to do something and then said I had a choice

    my mother held the leather strap in her hand and said I could obey her or not

    coersion and force are still forms of abuse

    and threats are just as powerful as acted on rage

  • JT

    Trouble with us (you/me) Jt is that we tried to be such 'good' little jw boy's. I now kinda envy the 'weak ones' who ignored all hype and went to school anyway!

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ good point- i knew this one kid who went to college and during the summer EVERY COMMENT during the wt was about TRYING TO BE SOMETHING IN THIS SYSTEM, ETC

  • JT
    my father held his fist in my face and dared me to do something and then said I had a choice


  • reporter
    Consider these 3 issue below – based on the wt publicaitons such things as :

    1. going to college,

    2.setting up retirement for when you reach 65 while you are 23yrs old

    3 seeking a better paying job instead of reducing your work hours to pioneer

    *** Kingdom Ministry June 2001 for week starting July 2nd 2001 ***
    To see scan, click here.

    15 min: Youths--Be Wise in Choosing Your Career. This is the first of three Service Meeting parts that will review Scriptural principles relates to supplemental education. Some Christian youths are pursuing secular careers through higher education, which is having a negative impact on their spirituality. This part is a discussion between two parents and their teenage son or daughter. The youth is at a point where a serious decision needs to be made about future goals. Although some may want to pursue financial advantages, prestige, or comforts of life, the family examine the Bible to see what it recommends. (See Young People Ask, pages 174-5; The Watchtower, August 15, 1997, page 21, and September 1, 1999, pages 19-21, paragraphs 1-3 and 5-6.) The youth agrees that it is wise to pursue a course in life that will serve him or her well in achieving theocratic goals to advance Kingdom interests.

    Uh huh. I didn't know the Bible was entitled "The Watchtower" or "Young People Ask".

    *** Awake! 1969 May 22 p.15 ***

    If you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. Why not? Because all the evidence in fulfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years. Of the generation that observed the beginning of the 'last days' in 1914, Jesus foretold: 'This generation will by no means pass away until all these things occur.' Therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the way towards its finish, if not actually gone! This is why parents who base their lives on God's prophetic Word find it much more practical to direct their young ones into trades that do not require such long periods of additional schooling... True, those who do not understand where we are in the stream of time from God's viewpoint will call this impractical. But which is really practical: preparing yourself for a position in this world that soon will pass away? or working toward surviving this system's end and enjoying eternal life in God's righteous new order?

    Face the fact? All the evidence? In a few years? Sounds more than mere "speculation" to me! What about you?

  • wednesday

    So true. I recall in my youth asking an elder about "conscience matters" and he said that it was just a legal means the WTS used to avoid bieng blamed for things. he said any real jws knew that when the slave said conscience mater, u had jolly well better line up with the org, or u would be viewed as weak.Unless one of your paretns, esp. the father was not a jw, then u had carte blanche ot do all the worldy stuff. Or if u were wealthy enough, u could quietly diagree, and people would look over it.

  • waiting

    Thank you, Reporter, for this quote:

    *** Kingdom Ministry June 2001 for week starting July 2nd 2001 ***
    To see scan, click here. Youths--Be Wise in Choosing Your Career. This is the first of three Service Meeting parts that will review Scriptural principles relates to supplemental education. Some Christian youths are pursuing secular careers through higher education, which is having a negative impact on their spirituality. This part is a discussion between two parents and their teenage son or daughter. The youth is at a point where a serious decision needs to be made about future goals. Although some may want to pursue financial advantages, prestige, or comforts of life, the family examine the Bible to see what it recommends. (See Young People Ask, pages 174-5; The Watchtower, August 15, 1997, page 21, and September 1, 1999, pages 19-21, paragraphs 1-3 and 5-6.) The youth agrees that it is wise to pursue a course in life that will serve him or her well in achieving theocratic goals to advance Kingdom interests.

    1. 'three Service Meeting parts that will review Scriptural principles" Three meetings means the WT is really cramming it down the throats of kids & parents.

    2. "pursuing secular careers through higher education, which is having a negative impact on their spirituality." So the "careers through higher education" are the cause of negative spiritual impact? Not the person themselves?

    This is the same duh moment I always ran into when my son wanted to go to college. Doctors, accountants, nurses, dentists, lawyers........how does the WT have these people? "Oh, we're blessed in bringing them in from Satan's World. We don't want to expose our own children to type of enviroment." Our own children are good enough to be blue collar workers.

    I didn't know about the WT paying to school their own lawyers at that time. Hypocrites.

    3. "Although some may want to pursue financial advantages, prestige, or comforts of life, the family examine the Bible to see what it recommends"

    This is setting up a false Either/Or situation. A person can EITHER have a successful career OR he can do what The Bible recommends. Implied.....but effective since it's already been said that higher education is negatively impacting a person's spirituality.

    Notice also that the WT is also saying that the only reason for a higher education is "financial advantages, prestige, or comforts of life."

    Nothing to do with learning or continuing education. Nothing to do with being able to give you & family the necessities of life....only "comforts."

    And this was written in 2001 ----- not decades ago. TWO years ago!


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