Part 2 of "Apostate Logical Fallacies"

by logansrun 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Michael3000

    Well, that’s all I’ll say. I probably could go on but I think you get the picture. Basically I see too many posts which use highly emotionalized language, generalizations, black and white thinking, hearsay, and the like. How can we correct this problem? (Haha – like it will be “corrected”!) Just think before we post, that’s all. Ask yourself: Do I have my facts straight? Is there more than one way to look at this matter? How would a JW view this? If I were a JW apologist what defense would I make for them? Are my emotions getting in the way of my better thinking?

    Uhhh... right.

  • Farkel

    logans run,

    : Nor do you buddy. One only has to look at your metaphysical beliefs

    I don't have any metaphysical beliefs. I'm open to many explanations for things. Furthermore, I don't promote what I think at any given moment is "gospel." I'm growing and emerging in what works for me, and I'm 55 years old. I'm too old for stuff that doesn't work. I'm looking for stuff that DOES work. Then I'll die. We ALL die. Face it, too. You will die, and all this nonsense means nothing.

    That assertion falls.

    : or the vitriolic way you have treated JWs in the past to find that out.

    You are assuming that vitriol (you haven't defined what is "vitriol", dummy. Attacking a bad argument is not "vitriol", dummy) is necessarily bad. Your disconnected and utterly undefined phrase "to find that out" is yet to be explained by you, since you penned it. I eagerly await your definition.

    : (I'm refferring to your dismissal of them from your door a number of months ago)

    I was actually quite kind to them. They come to my door with the hopes of saving me (and therefore getting that big house in Beverly Hills after cleaning up the dead bodies and getting the gallons of blood out of the carpets, and taking out all those body parts from their new house), or having their God kill me so they can take over where I live and clean up my blood and body parts.

    Do you not see how sick this crap is?

    I never nailed them on their materialistic selfishness. Face it: dubs are among the most selfish people on earth. They aren't preaching because they really love people (they hate people); they are preaching because they don't want their Watchtower God to KILL them for not preaching.

    "You don't preach Watchtower stuff: God will KILL you." "You preach Watchower stuff, God may or may NOT KILL you." Dubs preach because they are terrified to not preach. The whole impetus behind that is the Watchtower and its iron fist constantly hammered on its members.

    If you deny this fact, then you do not understand how it is.

    I stand by my original post. To suggest that every JW teaching is wrong because it must not be questioned seems to be stretching the argument. I don't believe I've ever said that every JW teaching is wrong.

    Even Hitler got a few things right, but at least Hitler never believed in a God that would MURDER 6 BILLION people because they wouldn't buy Watchtower Magazines and jump into a psychopathic Cult.


  • logansrun


    You responded as if I was speaking to you. I wasn't. The comments that you attributed to yourself were directed at Francois. But you bring up some good points. I overreacted with Frank and I apologize. Hell, I'm only one year out of a cult I'm bound to go over the top once in a while.


  • Blueblades

    There is structure in all kinds of organizations.Education: From the day-care,to the kindergarten to the grade schools,high schools,colleges, universities etc.

    From the Religions,Baptisms,communions,confirmations,schoolings in doctrines etc.

    From the Political AND Governmental to the Military and any other examples you can use.

    This structure is controlling the masses,good,or, bad take your pick.In all of it we decide what we will do with this stuctural learning.

    We hold on to some of it and let some of it go.

    With the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY I have chosen to let it all go.There is an accountability for all the harm,some fatal ,some ongoing,no matter how you try to find some good inside this controlling cult that is responsible for the tremendous blood guilt and robbing of peoples lives.By holding out the never-ending "CARROT" that is not there.Use of that carrot has also made them into a Billion Dollar Org.that forsakes anyone who would ask them an honest question.


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Hee hee.

    Logansrun, I applaud your attempt to point out the flaws (perhaps that will be a better word) in many poster's statements about the WTS, even as you attempt to bring logic into it. As you may have noticed, our emotions run our intellect, and an intelligent, pissed-off person trying to be logical is entertaining to listen to (or read - try Ayn Rand).

    I suspect that what is being tapped into here is the following approximation of many poster's situations:


    I am a former JW. I am angry at the WTS. I have many strong emotions about the circumstances of my leaving, about how others were treated, etc. I feel victimized. I have done little or no work with certified mental health professionals or even personal growth classes to attempt to recover from my painful and gut-wrenching life changes, which I deal with every day of my life. While I no longer believe in JW dogma, I still am comfortable with dogmatic thought and discourse, and uncomfortable with having to deal with unresolved paradox and incomplete data (I have no training here), so I frequently lecture others on how wrong they are. I piss off a lot of people this way, but it leaves me more time to post on

    Laugh, darnit.

  • Farkel

    Logans' Run said:

    : Now, let me show you why you are wrong (for the most part).
    : Technically, of course, you are correct that my use of the term "logical fallacies" is not accurate. I am well aware of this.

    So are you "technically wrong" or "un-Technically right, since you used the term "logical fallicies" in some sort of of "un-Technical" context which you failed to define for we dummies who are used to formal arguments. You used the term, not me. And you did not define it in your context. Not me.

    Try harder next time. I'm watching, and I'm not easily fooled by nonsense pretending not to be nonsense.


  • Aztec


    Is this Bradley vs. Doug? I don't know who to root for....


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