The Governing body are murderers

by Brummie 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Brummie

    Would you agree? Or do you think that statement is just an "emotional outcry" by some unbalanced apostate? and even if it was an emotional outcry, does that mean its wrong?

    I know most of us know about the issues mentioned below, the prime reason for this post is to get peoples opinions on whether the GB thought they were just doing Gods will or whether they are murderers.

    Imagine you are on the jury and you consider this evidence....

    From 1967 - 1980, the Governing Body banned Organ transplant. The Watchtower considered such to be "Cannibalistic". Jehovahs Witnesses rely of the GB to feed them meat at the proper time. When this food was fed to them, it poisened them. Some died in agony because they didnt want God to veiw and judge them as being a cannible. Some suffer to this day because they refused transplants. Some went blind because they refused Cornea transplants. This is only addressing a few of the problems caused by this mandate that came from God via the Governing body.

    In 1980 The governing body fed Jehovahs witnesses from a different menue. This time, JWs could have after all. It had all been a silly mistake, nothing to worry about.

    It wouldnt take a rocket scientist 13 years of "listening to God" to realise that organ transplants were not cannibalistic, no one had to be hunted and killed in order to have their organs ripped out and given to someone else. Yet for 13 yrs the Watchotwer was unmoveable on its stand. According to the GB, this doctrine was from God, not from them, anyone who disobeyed would face eternal death, they may have prolonged their life by a few years but eternal death awaited with open arms...a scary thought to someone who is already close to death and needs an organ transplant...what if the transplant didnt work and they died during operation? What awaited them? Would you have had one?

    The GB recognise that Jim Jones was a murderer, he thought he was doing Gods will when he led up to 1000 people to their deaths but no one denies that he was a murderer none the less. Does this same principle apply to the GB?

    Previousely to this Vaccinations had been banned. Children suffered from the spread of disease, some died. Missionaries travelled abroad and spread diseases to other countries causing other people to die. Missionaries were put in prison for forging their vaccination accounts. I have freinds who have a little acid mark on their bodies where they forged vaccinations. All of this was OK by the Society, but having a vaccination was not acceptable. The same consequences of death and suffering again.

    So as the jury, who would you find guilty of murder when veiwing the evidence? Or could you see this as merely a mistake ? Could the blame be passed onto the person who died or suffered for taking the GB too seriously?

    GB, guilty? or is it a case of - if the glove doesnt fit, aquit?


  • DannyBear


    Not much to argue here for anyone with the least bit of reasoning ability.

    Of course our jw lurker's here may take exception to the headline. Are you testing the waters of 'logical fallacy'?

    As a jw my response to you would be; The fds is being led by God's Spirit, they are simply giving the most current understanding of the scriptures. They (fds) are all sincere, loving, God fearing men, trying to give counsel and spritual food at the appropriate time.

    So this appology serves to excuse whatever misleading or outright lie they may proclaim. They are only imperfect men Brummie.


  • Pistoff

    murderers, definitely.

    Of people AND common sense, sense of family, community, appreciation for the world as it is, for life as it is, for poetry, for sexuality, for unconditional love, for knowing God on each person's terms.

    They are all of the above.

  • lawrence

    These little Fascist dictators ala Judge Rutherford should be taken out to the Brooklyn bridge and be made to catch their feed; not like the life that America allowed Charles Taylor to pursue. Anybody know where Washington's friend Noriega is these days - (searched Miamai and can't find the dude)? It's easier to find a James Brown tape than a deposed dictator.

  • Brummie
    Are you testing the waters of 'logical fallacy'?

    Teehee. You know I am.

    I heard London Bethel JW spokesman Paul Gillis talk on the radio about a year ago. Someone questioned him about the former ban on Organ transplant, his response was (Paraphrased) "We try to do whats right and when we need to adjust something we dont shy away from doing so". No one pulled him up on it, it seemed all were happy enough with his answer. In other words, just because they adjusted it they were now in the clear and should be patted on the back for not shying away from correcting it. Nothing was said about all the suffering caused by the former view. Its all swept under the carpet.

    Pistoff, thanks, yes they are murderers of all those things too...sad.

    What surprises me though is how a few (very few) exjws seem to think the Society are not murderers but are simply innocent men who think they are doing Gods will, as if somehow, to accuse them of being murderers is taking it to the extreme.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Ah, out tom-catting again eh Brummie? Well cats are supposed to be cheeky, that's part of their charm.

    I don't know if I would use the word "murderer", although I do feel they hold a tremendous liability in these matters. And by their own terminology, I think a reasonable person would label them "blood guilty".

    All I know is I would not want this amount of blood on my hands, nor would I want to stand before my God (or anyone else's) with the number of lives destroyed on my ledger.

  • pettygrudger

    You make many an excellent point Brummie - but this could be said of many religions.

    In fact, how many wars have been fought over religion? How many millions have died during the Catholic Inquisition (?)? How many religions still don't allow ANY medical intervention - but base all their hopes on God's intervention? How many countries STILL persecute, torture & murder based on "religion"?

    Religion as an entirety is responsible for loss of countless numbers of lives. The JW's, although they have unusual means of doing it, are definitely no less blood guilty. But really, in the broader scheme of things, its hard to find them "more" guilty (at least imho).

    But, I have to say, put the way you did, I'd have no problem putting the entire lot on trial. But, here in the good ole U.S.A., they have a right to believe as they choose.

  • DannyBear


    ****exjws seem to think the Society are not murderers but are simply innocent men who think they are doing Gods will, ****

    It was so easy Brumm, the several times I visited Bethel and personally met and talked to various gb member's, the thought of these obviously serious, intent, men being anything other than what they portrayed the remotest consideration.

    Walking through those doors in Brooklyn is similar imo to an academic, walking through the gates of Oxford, Harvard, it is almost sacrosanct. Emotions garnered from years of mind warping conditioning, building up to an almost worshipful view of the Holy of Holies...........Brooklyn Heights (now Patterson NJ) and those who reside there.


  • Brummie
    These little Fascist dictators ala Judge Rutherford should be taken out to the Brooklyn bridge and be made to catch their feed


    Ah, out tom-catting again eh Brummie?

    hahahahaha, too funny. I sharpened my claws yesterday and I'm just showing them off.

    BT I think calling them "murderers" is a bit strong too. But does the cap fit? and if so should they wear it?


    But really, in the broader scheme of things, its hard to find them "more" guilty (at least imho).

    I'm with you 100% on all you said, I dont think they are "more" guilty. But "guilty" to the same degree.

    I hear you Danny. Thing is, if a madman leads someone to their death and claims he "heard voices" he will still be identified as a murderer and considered highly dangerous. But if an old sincere guy wearing a suit leads someone to their death, he can get off on the grounds of a "mistake" (In a jw mindset).

    Thanks y'all ( southern drawl)

  • Xena

    I don't know about murderers....I mean we do have an element of personal responsiblity as well. At what point do you stop yourself and say NO this is wrong? I believe they are blood-guilty to a degree as Big Tex stated because obviously they dreamed this stuff up...and because they administer a form of punishment that some find difficult to impossible to consider inflicting on themselves by disobeying.

    BUT When you set standards for others and require them to obey you take upon yourself a measure of responsibility for those people. They let people die needlessly therefore they must assume a measure of responsibility for it.

    Just on a personal note, I remember after my daughter was born wondering if I would be "faithful" if the blood transfusion issues came up, it's one thing to deny yourself life, quite another to do that to your child.

    Yo Brummie...I made it like two whole days...are ya proud of me??? lol it's your fault..luring me back like this..bad kitty bad kitty

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