Good one. Become replacements to the Governing Body. At Bethel, away back in the 70's and 80's we used to "bet" on who would start partaking based on their chance of higher promotions which they would obviously be in line for if they were only in the "bread and wine club". (Brother Ulysses Glass, for example.)
Infiltration is tough, but it could be a lot easier and quicker than waiting for "decades of faithful service" to compete with the other GB candidates. A group of regular Bethelites could use a press to print special inserts or special versions of the Watchtower, or better yet, internal publications like the km's and songbooks, and then hide them and later have them snuck into the trucks for delivery to the Postal services and KH's. Or how about sound cars in front of KHs before [during?] and after each meeting. Or how about putting a short-distance FM or CB transmitter and receiver into the sound system and broadcasting your own public talk over the regular public talk. Or how about replacing the Kingdom Song music with actual embarrassing old talks by Rutherford. (They might even be interested to hear a remake of the old famous "Advertise, advertise, advertise the king and his kingdom" speech from 1922 and then get a small jolt to hear the preceding phrase which always gets edited out "Do you believe it? Do you believe that the King of glory is present, and has been since 1874?".)
Many of these activities are illegal or unethical. But Ravyn is right. Each of us has the power to reduce their increases and their numbers by a percentage in our own countries just by notifying the right people and media outlets. Posing questions to JW forums and emal addresses wherever possible. Getting information into newspapers, radio, television, books, magazines, websites, churches, laundrymats, police stations, store bulletin boards, etc, etc. There are plenty of opportunities, even if we aren't coordinated. And with a forum like this, there is no excuse not to get coordinated if enough people want to.
There are several good posts on this site or from exJW web sites that might deal with the subject of your choice. Get permission from the writer and print out a few copies. Walk into a KH whenever you are out of town and leave a few print-outs in the coat room, inside some of the lost and found Bibles and songbooks, in the bathroom, in the contribution boxes, under your chair, etc. (litter-ature) With a little ingenuity there are ways to get these things read if you think about the snoopy and gossipy nature of some JWs. You can even write anonymous letters to any elders you know and they will definitely read the letter if they have a feeling that it is coming from someone in the congregation. Let your imaginations run wild!
But I'd hope that anyone who undertakes such work realizes that it's serious and there can be consequences. As the JWs lose faith, they need something to fall back on, some kind of support mechanisms. Are we as willing to accommodate for that need? If the JWs drop 2 or 3 percent a year based on exJW efforts at exposure, they can still have millions of adherents after several decades. (10,000,000 with a 2% drop per year leaves close to 4,000,000 after 50 years. That's still more than they had when I was a JW.) That might be discouraging, but there's always a good chance that even small initial losses will produce doubts and issues which have a "negative critical mass" effect or snowballing effect to drive the numbers down even faster. It may produce some insane new strategies or policies from the WTS that drive even more people out at a faster rate.
Think too that as JWs begin to lose money that KH support falls upon those who dig in their heels and decide to contribute even more to keep their little "paradise" afloat. A JW father may decide to contribute a huge sum to the WTS that he was otherwise about to give to his two daughters for their college fund. Think about the moral and ethical issues and decide if you still wish to interfere with people's lives and mental security/stability. After that...GO FOR IT!!!