by Special K 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    First we need an organisation, funded by all kinds of religious groups who find the JW's annoying. This organisation will put out public service announcements on TV and radio and will produce pamphlets about how to handle the WT teachings and the history of the organisation. They'll also offer Crisis of Conscience at a reduced price. The only thing that keeps the WT going is the denial of their history and what they actually said... suprising no one has taken this advantage.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Thanks everybody

    I felt so fired up today, when I was down to one of my neighbours (who have never been JW's) for coffee I felt I needed to tell them about those people who call at their door, because they have 3 small children.

    I told them about the pedophiles being protected and what a perfect haven for these type of predators. She wants to see the W5 tv video about the child abuse that was on T.V. I will be delivering her that within the next couple of days, so she can see for herself why not to let these people into her home.

    I felt I did something, and it feels good.

    Special K

  • Zoewrex

    It's a rebellion! Count me in!

    I really think the best way to approach this mass is to educate the conventional ministers on the WTBTS. Let them educate their masses and then when the JW comes a knockin' each of them has answers in their faith. AS soon as I was told about my parents 'turning', my minister quickly copied amany pages from books and asked me to keep them with me. I thought he was being protective of his faith and overreacting.......

    Hey I'm in Bklyn.......hummmmmmm

  • Latin assassin from Manhattan
    Latin assassin from Manhattan

    I think the easiest and most cost effect way is to write letters to local community newspaper editors. They're often looking for a good story (they can only write about so many car accidents) and will gladly take all our documentation and run with it. Most community newspapers are free and are distributed by the thousands. As a matter of fact, Brooklyn alone was a couple of dozen local papers.

    We should all post the addresses of these newspapers so we can send them something via email. Who wants to go first?

    Okay, I'll go first:

    Brooklyn Skyline
    2060 Utica Avenue
    Brooklyn, NY 11234
    Phone: 718.209.7850
    Email us: [email protected]

    Let us know if you get a response.

  • Ravyn

    a few weeks back it was posted that a local newspaper in TN wrote a glowing report of how much revenue the JW convention was going to bring to their city--Johnson City, TN for the DC...yeah right! The poster gave the article and the reporters name and phone number...I called the reporter and filled up his voice mail with some choice tidbits and referred him to The poster also called after me and talked to the reporter directly. the guy was VERY interested. Can you imagine how much more interested he would have been if only ten of us had called him? I was so fired up that day I also went to the FBI website and emailed a complaint complete with copy and paste off the SilentLambs page on how many molester files are at Bethel being UNhandled. Have not seen any black helicopters flying over my house yet. But what do you think the FBI would do if they got say 1000 of the those same emails?

    This does not have to be a face to face confrontation! We can do this and still remain anonymous. Start by the local papers in your area. Then pick one or two major metro papers. send out the letters once a month till someone bites. Write a letter to the editor for the community page. Send out a copy to your church or other group, make the city or town you live in aware of it by sending out copies to the Chamber of Commerce and City Council, heck write the Mayor. The the Governor, then your Congresman and Representative. How much would it cost you to send out 100 letters? At 10 cents a copy and 40 cents a stamp? $50. OK so send out 50, or 25, or 10. It would be worth it to get a Bulk Mail Stamp for such an endeavor if you plan on doing it monthly for a year. If you want to give them a place to respond---buy a PO box. If you get good enough at this you might even think about starting a Non-Profit business and use it as a tax write off. All perfectly legal and perfectly do-able. I plan on doing it as soon as I can. I just moved and I have Lupus which affects me badly in the Summer months.

    Now what will the letters say? Well the child abuse issue is the hook(and I don't mean to de-value the issue, just being realistic here) but there are so many other issues. Shunning, break up of families, the claim JWs make of being 'good' citizens! (A GOOD citizen votes and participates in humanitarian efforts in the community--WITH the community, strives to better themselves in education and business--lives up to their potential, and supports the military, charities, schools,and politics). More to it than paying taxes on a minimum wage laborer's job and trying to get away with the least amount of socialization. Tailor a couple of the letters to hit businesses and churches. On the letter you send out to the Mayor or Congressman--tell them just exactly who DID NOT vote for them last election and why. Don't candy coat it---- quote the 'beautiful' descriptions of Armageddon JWs include in every children's book. EXPOSE the bastards for who they really are.

    Know your friends, but know your enemies better. Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer. Who better to do this than us? And do not focus on individual JWs-powerless cult followers.. Focus on exposing JWs to the people who really have the power in this world to do something about them. If we BLITZ the media and officials with the information the Borg will have to make a response, and they will be doing the work for us when it comes to individuals! I would hazard a guess that every one of us who left the Borg did so because of OUTSIDE information. I did not even know about some of the scandals in Watchtowerland until the Borg was forced into damage control!

    Anyway, just some of my thoughts. And dreams. I do not think the Borg is the only danger in this world, or the worst. But it IS the one I know about from a first hand perspective. There are alot of things I want to tear down in this world. This happenes to be the one that I can actually do something about. So can you.


  • Zoewrex

    In a strange way I wish I had 1st hand evidence of the WTS and thier evil doings.

    Please use the following information:

    Brooklyn's Home Reporter 1-718-238-6600 [email protected]

    Courier Life Publications (multi-lingual) 1-718-615-2500

    Brooklyn Papers 1-718-834-9350 [email protected]

    Brooklyn Skyline 1-718-421-5300 [email protected]

    Brooklyn Eagle 1-718-858-2300

    NY Post FAX (212) 930-8540

    Daily News FAX 1-718-875-7795

    NY Times (212) 556-4002

    Newsday (631) 843-2312

    Brooklyn Borough Hall 1-718-802-370

    NY1 1-212-379-3311

    1010WINS (AM News Station) FAX (212)489-7034

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