Do you miss being part of something big?

by sleepy 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ravyn

    I am a part of something big. bigger than the Borg ever dreamed of. The Fellowship of Humanity which is about ready to become the Fellowship of All Life.


  • freein89

    I know what you mean and I used to feel that way in the beginning. But after a while I began to get the hang of being part of my community and the larger community of the world. I am still a work in progress, but its coming along and this board of course helps alot. Don't forget we get to be a part of the world now, and the separateness that was required to be part of the Witnesses is not a healthy thing. We don't need our secret lingo anymore, we can have opinions and build a belief system and a world view based on our very own belief system, one we chose for ourselves.

    How cool is that, from the trivial "do I want a cat", to the major, "do I believe in the right to life or am I more of the right to choose persuasion"

    republican or democrat

    on an on--ENJOY!!!!!


  • Billygoat

    After spending a weekend in Dallas with Big Tex and the crew and then a weekend in Green Bay with The District Overbeer and Xena's Warriors, I know I am part of something. Something big, something good and something worth holding on to.

    ((((((Thunder)))))) Precisely my point in my post! I've NEVER had friends in the Borg as close as some of y'all here. And some people here I've NEVER met!!! But most of the people that I HAVE met would do anything in the world for anyone of us others. Especially when it comes to overcoming the pain of our exodus and speeding up the healing process. Like I said earlier...I feel more alive than I ever have! Andi

  • tinkerbell82

    i think the main reason i miss it so much is that i was raised in the organization. i'd never known anything else, and i always believed it one hundred per cent. plus my parents were very strict about that bad association tripe, so the only time i saw friends was when i went to KH. Of course i'm glad to be out of there and i'd never go back, but the sense of community isnt something i haven't quite replaced yet.

  • Billygoat
    Of course i'm glad to be out of there and i'd never go back, but the sense of community isnt something i haven't quite replaced yet.


    Don't worry about it. It will come in time, I promise! But in the meantime, focus on YOU. What are YOUR interests, YOUR hobbies, YOUR gifts? While the sense of community may not be there quite yet, once it comes, you'll have a much stronger self-identity. You'll have more to offer the community! It'll be worth making your time useful now.



  • tinkerbell82

    aw, thanks for my first official board hug! :P i definitely agree with your advice. i'm trying hard to grow into the adult they never wanted me to be. :P

  • ozziepost


    Actually I never thought the Borg was that big.

    Anyway, I know I'm part of something universal now, and you can't get bigger than that!

    Cheers, Ozzie


    but..but ...I AM part of something big!!!


  • Red Witch
    Red Witch

    Big? "They" are not big. you are simply washed into believing that. When I left, very quickly I found out there are alot of really "good" people in the "world"!!!!!! What is to be missed? All is to be gained if you take care of yourself. hmmmmm, god takes care of those who take care of themselves. Could that possibly mean keeping your own reasoning powers and listening to that little inner voice?

  • Ariell
    i miss the feeling i used to get right after i'd left the KH, like i was pure and sparkly clean and sin-free.

    Ditto! I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Whaddayaknow.

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