Musings of a new moderator

by onacruse 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Great Caesars Ghost Craig!.

    You worry me man. A young, hot Elizabeth Taylor has just done a slow strip and climbed into bed beside you man, and you are wrangling with ethics as to whether you should employ certain positions in the coital act or even shtoink her at all!

    Pillage that woman!

    Gawd, why do you have to be a milk toast to be a moddie here? Youve been given the "keys of the kingdom" and should be messing with peoiples heads and encouraging them to suck up to you. Also,MOST important, hounding and pounding your ENEMIES!! (enemy = anyone that iritates you) Remember the words of Conan:

    " The three things that are finest in life are,..... Crush your enemies....see them driven, like cattle, before you....and listen to the wailing of their women... "

  • Vivamus

    Well, now, since you brought it out into the open. I just have to say that I find the fact that my post was moderated by you, HORRIBLE! I mean, never, ever in my life have I been moderated before! I feel violated, unsecure in my freedom of speech. And it's just, it's just *sobs* ... horrible!

    Cuz come 'on, it was only the F word for crying out loud. No biggie! I didn't treathen any one's life or anything. I didn't! And then ... then... you moderate the best part of my post out and changed it into something way less powerful. I mean, talking about taking a hike on the wildside of life. How Could You Do That To Me?!

    j/k I actually liked the P/M you send me afterwards.

    Just don't do it ever, ever again to me. I wouldn't be able to take it.


    And the world shall tremble in the wake of the Blue Bubblegum
    Dutch District Overbeer

  • onacruse

    LOL @ rf and Viv

    Craig (of the just got up from a nap class)

  • Bendrr

    Craig, I'm glad to see you as a moderator. I believe you'll do a fair job.

    Lately, there's been some things on this board that have really bothered me. I've seen some folks get pretty raw deals, one someone I care about a lot, and others get away with whatever they please.

    I don't mean to hijack your thread with that statement, only to use current events to make a point. We've either got a definite set of rules that apply to everyone or we're no better than a typical Kingdom Hall.

    Just always remember to be fair in your duties as moderator.


  • Prisca


    "Forgive your enemies but never forget their names" - JFK
  • wasasister
    Also,MOST important, hounding and pounding your ENEMIES!! (enemy = anyone that iritates you)

    RF: Life has taught me this, a lesson perhaps you have not as yet learned...

    Nastiness always, repeat always comes back to bite you in the arse.

    How's this working out for you, so far?

  • onacruse

    Farkel, it was good talking with you again! And Bendrr and Euph, great to talk with you both too, for the first time.


    Nastiness always, repeat always comes back to bite you in the arse.

    Yep. And we all live with the consequences of our own decisions, don't we?


  • Inquiry

    I don't think that society's laws are necessarily absolute... they are constantly being reinterpreted to deal with specific circumstances, and after being interpreted each time.. the law changes even if it's just a little precedents are set every day... so you can't really look to a law and say, that's absolutely what you ought to do... of course, this doesn't include deliberately harming others... although it is a reason that those who do such things are given a wide opportunity to make sure that their rights as individuals, not necessarily law-abiding citizens are not being abused. That doesn't mean though that law can't be used to enforce a consequence for particular behavior at that time.

    I think that rigidly applying a set standard is a mistake we easily make. It's very difficult to think of all of the ramifications or determine all of the perameters of any given situation... someone, somewhere will have a unique experience that requires a rethinking or reinterpretation. Laws have to be flexible....

    I think right and wrong is just as flexible... and as one person's wrong could well be another person's right, strict adherence to laws or even rules can't be the only consideration... as Farkel mentioned, ethics, personal and otherwise must be considered... there's also personal freedom to live as we beleive we should as well as how that applies in a community context, and in larger contexts such as national and global... so law can only pin down something like a code of behavior for short periods of time... then the law must change to accomodate new interpretations.. or new experiences... it doesn't nullify that there is a law at a particular time which has to be enforced, but it can't limit laws ability to change.

    Great thread by the way...


  • wasasister
    Yep. And we all live with the consequences of our own decisions, don't we?


    Yep and Yep. The above almost makes me believe in a Higher Power.

    Well-said, my friend.

  • Euphemism
    And Bendrr and Euph, great to talk with you both too, for the first time.

    Likewise! Just a notice to everyone, however... onacruse practices censorship at home, too...

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