Inquiry, your comments cut right to the quick of what constitutes "fair" moderating. I'll repeat (in my own words) some of what you said:
Every social group has it's own ethic, and ethics always change. What's permitted in one generation may very well be condemned in the next. It's not a matter of "right" or "wrong"; it's simply the way it is.
For example, there are db's where the rule (read ethic) is "Screw up once, just once, and you're gone, period." Is that "wrong"? No. Other db's let everything go. Is that "wrong"? No.
Each group has the prerogative to set its own standards.
And each group has the right to expect that those standards will be equitably applied.
Isn't that one of the things that just gripes the hell out of us, to see some people "get away" with things simply because they're rich, or are a "superstar," or are part of the "good old boys" club, or are perceived as "respected posters"? Grrrrrrrr
Inquiry, excellent post!
edit to add: LOL @ Euph