China where it started ,83,000 / USA now <400,000 How come ?

by smiddy3 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy3

    The simple explanation is "where are you getting your numbers?". We simply cannot trust anything that China and the WHO tell us.

    The figures I used in the OP were from the John Hopkins map.

    That same map today reports :

    US , 466,033

    China , 82,924

    Are those figures not to be trusted also ?

    Or the better question where does John Hopkins get their figures from ?

    The World Health Org.? or Individual Govts / Nations ?

  • Vidqun

    21 million cellphones in China went dead. That tells you something.

  • Vidqun

    Wuhan imported eight incinerators, each doing three tonnes a day. Then it was noticed that the sulphur pollution over Wuhan increased drastically. Sulphur residue in the air is increased with organic incineration. See Zerohedge for relevant articles.

  • Vidqun

    Head of WHO is an Ethiopean communist. No wonder he thinks China is doing a good job.

  • Vidqun

    The modelers started off by using Chinese numbers for their models. They soon found out their mistake. E.g., Italy, Spain, France and now UK and USA. That's why Trump is very unhappy with Chinese reporting. He said so in one of his broadcasts. If they were honest, the rest of the world would be much better off.

  • LongHairGal


    If what you say about those 21 million dead cellphones in China and the eight incinerators in Wuhan doing three tons a day is true, this is beyond belief.

    I still wonder if this virus is somebody’s lab creation that either got out accidentally or was introduced deliberately into their environment. Maybe that wet market story is just a convenient cover story..We will never know the truth.

  • Simon
    I still wonder if this virus is somebody’s lab creation that either got out accidentally or was introduced deliberately into their environment. Maybe that wet market story is just a convenient cover story..We will never know the truth.

    I was skeptical of the "bio weapon" claims initially, but since China has re-opened their wet-markets they seem a lot more credible.

    Really, who would do that, if it genuinely was the cause of the outbreak and it had decimated your own economy as well? The Chinese don't give a rats-ass about wet-markets (though they are probably on the menu).

    But if you knew it wasn't where the virus came from? Hmmmn, it does seem a convenient "shoulder shrug" of an excuse to blame it on a fish market.

    Couple it with strange goings on in Canada where Chinese people were removed from a bio-lab months before this, and went to Wuhan.

    I want to know how this happened and I want the people behind it to swing from lamp-posts.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    Couple it with strange goings on in Canada where Chinese people were removed from a bio-lab months before this, and went to Wuhan.

    that sounds interesting , Simon. do you have a source for it ?

  • RubaDub

    Chinese people were removed from a bio-lab months before this, and went to Wuhan

    Maybe they were performing medical experiments on bats like they were doing in China.

    Perhaps they had to remove the Chinese workers since they were eating the bats before they got the results from the tests.

    Rub a Dub

  • Finkelstein

    For some strange reason there is an alluring thing in China to eat exotic rare animals for a high price like its something "only " the rich can afford, including eating bats.

    This is a menu which was at the Wuhan market place recently

    This is a price list from the Huanan Seafood Market and one of the items is said to be 'koala' or 'live tree bears'.

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