Juliette, I'm sorry I haven't checked in in a few days and I missed your post.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. However, you sound like you are suffering from depression, bigtime. My clue? One of the symptoms is Hopelessness and your posts just screams hopelessness. Everything you're saying can be summed up by: everything's terrible and it always will be (unless I grab at this crazy straw and go back to the JWs.)
Full disclosure: I have suffered from depression since forever and when it acts up, it's sneaky. There are a million problems that I have that are just terrible! And are emergencies! And need to be solved with some drastic action! Now!
No, that's the depression talking. Depression that is acting up and untreated makes the normal stresses of life seem impossible. But, in reality all of those things have been there and will continue to be there and you have been dealing with them before.
But, it's the illness, the depression, that makes it feel hopeless and you desperate. Get the medical help for your illness and you WILL be able to cope with those problems. Seem it's not the problems, it's your illness making it difficult to cope right now.
Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? If so, it appears you are not in remission right now and need to see a doctor. If not, you need to see a doctor. You do not appear to be well right now. Your distress is obvious.
Your only problem is how to see a doctor. Do you have insurance? Do you have a primary care physician? If not, call your local health department and ask how to access care. They might have clinics available or limited walk ins or references for insurance programs for low income.
Worse comes to worse, urgent care usually charges about $80.
See, it's your health that matters. All the other problems get solved more efficiently after you are healthy.
I get it. I'm late 40s and still have student loan debt. I realize you don't get Social Security if you're in default. I am and I am unemployed right now and have struggled with underemployment. I left the JWs at 19, but it has affected me mentally and I have struggled with depression, even getting a diagnosis of Bipolar2 that will always be with me. It sucks. These problems are always there and I can cope with them when I am in remission and mentally healthy, but the depression can sneak up and make life feel impossible. That's a lie. It's not. That's the depression talking.
Please PM me if you want to talk. I live in the US, too, so I have learned my way around the educational and healthcare worlds. I might be able to help and provide support. 😊