"Weaponized the internet"... I like that.
Sound Familiar?
by peacefulpete 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There's a lot there about money there. As you said, money has been around for quite some time. Are you saying that money itself is a problem? If so, I wouldn't agree. I don't think there is anything wrong with money, itself. It is a tool. It facilitates exchange, facilitates economic calculation.
But perhaps that is part of the divide here. I am not sure how you rate yourself on the political spectrum, but the next question might reveal something...
Out of control world + low compassion = Divided.
But that just pushes the question off by only one level. What is causing the world to go out of control? If you think the world is out of control, what does "in control" look like? What do you feel is wrong?
Just because someone disagrees with a point of view... so what?? I can co exist with a Protestant or Catholic as well as a liberal or conservative or non political person.
Who are you responding to?
Anony Mous
Jordan Peterson's recent podcast with Douglas Murray is a great relatively non-partisan review of the whole situation and addresses exactly this from a world renowned Canadian psychologist and a real British journalist (not a fake news one).
Money is just a tool to facilitate trade.
But, now....consider the power to issue it...to be the recipient and beneficiary of it, without any outlay of product or service...
Now THIS is power. This is power enough to fight and kill for.We are becoming less a society of 'live-and-let-live', and increasingly one of 'rule-or-BE-ruled'. Thus, the desperate grasps for power, or else be dominated by rivals and enemies. My observations...
@Anon: Yes, same with Alan Dershowitz. He has a podcast now in the legal space. People called in with suggestions on what Biden could do to really unify, or at least attempt to unify the nation. Just the opposite is happening.
Money itself isn’t evil. People don’t desire money. They desire the resources that can be acquired with money. And yes, one of our greatest problems is the money printing. If the government were to deposit $1,000,000,000,000 into the accounts of each American, we would all instantly be poor in real terms. Years of labor wiped out. Only people with assists would have a way through (already owning some of the stuff).
I’ll just put this out there. Short and concise : the divide is foundational. It’s fundamental. We have grave differences on how to organize society. It has little to do with religion, nothing to do with Trump. It has nothing to do with racism, although you wouldn’t know that listening to the news.
It’s the foundation principles that have defined western civilization, the ones that make capitalism even remotely possible. We are at that level.
There isn’t a middle ground as far as I can see.
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This was just introduced.