Thanks four the idea cha ching I might get my own territory and they wouldn't know if I was out, but then someone might ask to come work it with me one day or I might be asked how I'm getting on with it so I'll have to try to think of a response
Avoiding Service Tips?
by Kohanic 41 Replies latest jw experiences
scratchme1010 can I get out of service? Cause I REALLY don't want to go and I feel dirty just knowing I could be influencing someone into this garbage.
That was an easy one for me since I didn't care about anything at the time. I lied to my bones. I reported hours I didn't do. I lied about how I did them.
I imagine that since they have watered down their standards, and since they have quite a whole lot of other things to worry about, keeping it discrete and to a minimum may help you. That is, if you are ok with lying. I was ok with lying back then. The WT taught me very well how to do that.
Sail Away
This approach may not be for everyone. I did business territory for years. Trust me, no one wants to do this, so you can really fake it, and the service overseer will be pleased. Just wander into a store. If they are busy, come back later, or not. If it's empty save one cashier, offer to leave something for the break room and leave. Since these are mostly employees, they are generally not rude. I'm sure the stuff ends up in the circular file! Sisters were instructed to skip mechanics, garages, etc. 'cuz, of course, the walls were lined with porn.
cha ching
Ok, jrjw, I never would have done this while "in".... but when I found out this was a big lie, nothing mattered anymore... about their fake organization.
When I left, I just put hours, magazines, rvs on my time sheet, just so that no one would know what I had not done. Question: Do you have a group of people you go with regularly? Is it easy to find a FS partner? or do you have to call people to get one? if you show up, does the conductor ask everyone what their plans are, or can you just "hang" and leave... saying "I have plans" when asked?
If you get your territory, make sure that you have a weird schedule, like everyone suggested (get a class during FS time on a Saturday) then, say I got a territory so I could go out on my own schedule. If they want to go with you, say "OK, when?" then say ok, leave, then text them saying "that won't work for me, something came up" and keep putting people off. Pretty soon they will get tired of you.
You could drive around, make a list of houses that "weren't home" and have a Not at Home slip ready to show to people, you could give them to people to work if they "want to help" Don't forget to cross some out, like you went back and 'found them home'.
If you DO end up "going", say "I am not prepared today, can you talk?" They won't like that either, and will start avoiding you. Or, if you somehow end up in "your territory" go there, send everyone out, then start feeling sick and go home. Or, if you can get to volunteer to be the "odd man out" and "have to work by yourself" just pretend to knock on the door, or go up to the door and introduce yourself as a student who is getting the reactions of people regarding child sex abuse, and ask them if they ever heard of the Australian Royal Commission and the report it made about all organizations in Australia.
You could do a 'survey' of what people know about JWs. Just to see if this 'preaching work' is really having any fruits. When I talked to some friends at work, they hardly knew ANYTHING about JWs. You could prepare an update for them. "JWs are actually a very high control religion, have you seen Leah Remini's show about Scientology? JWs are a lot like that, they do not believe in.....," etc.
Do your mom & dad want to work with you? follow you? or can you have your own schedule? "Going out early to do gas stations" is a good one if you go alone, you can just drive to Starbucks and have a coffee, or drive to a park, stay in your car and study.
Just do not feel guilty for anything. You have been tricked, now you deserve to escape.
Asthma attacks always worked pretty well for me.
Oh, wait. Those were panic attacks.
Kohanic is it possible for your mother to attend one visit with your psychiatrist with you to find out just how ill you are? In your first post you said she thinks you are using your mental health as an excuse but from your description you are very unwell.
Cold calling on people is one of the most stressful things a person can do do. Cold calling to talk about religion increases the stress by a factor of 10! Your mother needs to know from your doctor you're not well enough to do this, I feel.
Got it. Beard fraction. Not beard for action. I thought it must be something sexual that had passed me by.
Sudden cases of diarrhea can be utilized...
cha ching I loved your post.
You just described my entire last year of pioneering!
Just say that you have all your time for the month and have to get things done to prepare for next month; even if it is January 3rd.