Your Top Ten Favourite Movies?

by LoveUniHateExams 68 Replies latest social entertainment

  • smiddy3

    Colour purple ? And it never got one Oscar ? Shame on the Academy!

    It should have got twelve.

  • inbetween09

    Lord of the rings (all 3)


    Alien and Aliens



    Batman (the christopher Nolan ones)


    Star trek, the new ones with Chris Pine

    Sherlock (Cumberbatch)

    Blade Runner

  • LoveUniHateExams

    It's nearly impossible to decide on a top ten - there are just so many excellent films.

    Here's an alternate list, again in no particular order:


    Terminator 2 Judgment Day



    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest



    The Exorcist

    Withnail and I

    The Shining

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Just thought I'd return to this thread.

    I've seen a lot more films than when I started this thread, and it's nearly impossible to make a top 10. There are just so many good films.

    Out of the films I've seen, here are all the films that I give my highest rating (10/10) ...

    Rosemary's Baby

    The Exorcist

    One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest




    The Shining

    The Elephant Man

    The Empire Strikes Back

    The Thing (1982)

    The Fly (1986)


    The Silence of the Lambs

    Pulp Fiction

    ^^^ There are in no real order, save for the year of theatrical release. And they're great films, masterpieces, IMO.

    Of course, there are many critically-acclaimed films that I haven't seen - The Godfather, The Godfather Part 2, E.T., Schindler's List, Dawn of the Dead, etc. ...

  • blondie

    How do I determine if a movie is my favorite?

    Do I rewatch it many times over the years?

    That's it folks. Some die into obscurity. Some are like a rough cut diamond that gets brighter and more sparkly each time I watch it; see things I missed the first time, things that still make me laugh, things that still make me cry, things that give me hope.

  • Simon

    Netflix used to have a challenge to create a prediction algorithm for movies people would like. The challenge was that you could never get better than 80-90% because people's choices change all the time.

    There are some movies that are great for different reasons - sometimes the story, sometimes the performance, the best measure is if it comes on late at night, will you stay up and watch it.

    I like movies like Grand Torino which is a great performance and a great story and moving.

    I also like quirky movies such as Time Lapse (you can't help thinking about it for a long time after)

    Other movies make no sense, but you can't help watch them - Donnie Darko for instance.

    Of course the dramatic big effect movies are great - most of the Marvel movies, Star Wars (even the bad plot ones are well done) and Harry Potter series were great.

    If you want a good low-budget time travel movie, try Looper ... then watch the YouTub video explaining it several times and watch it again.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds.

    Directed by Paul Newman 1972 starring Joanne Woodward

    The first movie I went to see by myself as a kid but I haven't seen it since. I want to find it and watch it just to see if it was as good as I remember.

  • zeb

    In no order.

    Red October

    Bush Christmas

    Last Marigold Hotel

    Walk the Line

    Lawrence of Arabia

    Picnic at Hanging Rock

    Bridge on the River Kwai

    Lord of the Rings (all three episodes)

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Netflix used to have a challenge to create a prediction algorithm for movies people would like. The challenge was that you could never get better than 80-90% because people's choices change all the time - this is interesting and likely true.

    If you compare the 14 films I gave my highest rating to with my 'top ten fav movies' in the OP, you'll see that 5 films are in both categories. Those five are: Alien, The Empire Strikes Back, The Thing, The Fly and Silence of the Lambs.

    I still like the other 5 films in my OP from 2 years ago - Star Wars A New Hope, Halloween, The Terminator, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Shaun of the Dead - but I don't rate them as highly.

    Subjectively speaking, A Nightmare on Elm Street is my fav horror film but objectively speaking - it has a couple of flaws and therefore doesn't get my highest grade and isn't a masterpiece ... but I still love it. I'd give it 9/10.

    I expect my list of my highest-rated films to grow in time as I see more and more movies and as I learn more about how stories are/should be told and how films are/should be made.

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