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Has Justin Trudeau Finally Eaten Too Many Tide Pods?
by freemindfade 151 Replies latest social current
I listened to the above you-tube video and Trudeau says Canada welcomes those who are fleeing ISIS. He doesn't appear to say anything in the video about the government's approach to the return of former ISIS fighters. I'm not saying he hasn't ever said anything about them - just that I didn't hear him say anything in the video about them.
Yes agreed. I just listened to it myself. He does NOT equate ISIS with the refugees. At best, you could say that Trudeau does not really answer the question posed to him.
problemaddict 2
Come on guys. Respectfully, the question posed to T and the answer do not in any way suggest he is talking about terrorists being tolerated or let into the country. You can't be that easily manipulated because of the need for bias confirmation.....can you?
He is talking about followers of Islam looking for refugee status. Good on him for taking the question of this man, and others, who have their own legitimate concerns. Can you imagine the president of our country courageously doing the same, through the heckles, hard questions, and otherwise?
I think we know the answer.
As far as "mankind" vs "peoplekind".......seems a bit over the top. But....is that really even newsworthy? Guys just trying to be inclusive. Where is the scandal?
I listened to the above you-tube video and Trudeau says Canada welcomes those who are fleeing ISIS. He doesn't appear to say anything in the video about the government's approach to the return of former ISIS fighters. I'm not saying he hasn't ever said anything about them - just that I didn't hear him say anything in the video about them.
It was the framing of the question, the questions was about ISIS fighters being integrated into Canadian societ, NOT refugees. Trudumbass deflected because they are welcoming back ISIS fighters, and he answered the question by talking about refugees.
In a year-end interview with one of Canada's state television networks, CTV, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed that he believes returning Jihadists — like those ISIS members headed back to Canada after losing the fight abroad — can be rehabilitated into "powerful" voices against radicalism within Canada.
Also this...
This week, the government officially apologized to Mr. Khadr for the role Canadian security officials played in the abuses he suffered as a teenage prisoner of the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The apology came days after Ottawa paid $10.5-million to Mr. Khadr to settle a $20-million lawsuit he filed over violations to his rights as a Canadian citizen
Mr. Khadr pleaded guilty in 2012 to killing U.S. Delta Forces Sergeant Christopher Speer.Yes, the Canadians paid a Terrorist 10.5 Million dollars and an apology after fighting US troops in Afghanistan.
Yes agreed. I just listened to it myself. He does NOT equate ISIS with the refugees. At best, you could say that Trudeau does not really answer the question posed to him.
Then he conveniently ignored the actual question like the shit weasel he is, the man specifically said his stand on "ISIS", not refugees.
Typical you need to be a Trudau-whisperer to interpret his answers correctly. If he spoke plainly none of this would be a problem. This is exactly why someone like Trump has the advantage.
Come on guys. Respectfully, the question posed to T and the answer do not in any way suggest he is talking about terrorists being tolerated or let into the country. You can't be that easily manipulated because of the need for bias confirmation.....can you?
None of you even listened! The guys asking the question said your "STANCE ON ISIS" not your stance on refugees, this was clearly about Trudeau utopian fantasy that people who actually fought for ISIS and beheaded people (NOT JUST REFUGEES) are being welcomed into Canada. Which is an actual thing, not hyperbole even though it sounds batshit crazy
problemaddict 2
I went back and re-listened. He asks "I want to know how your stance on ISIS is going to help Canadians in nay way." Then he goes onto ask how 10-15 years from now how letting people with an opposing ideology is going to look for his daughter.
It seems clear to me that the second and longer question out of the 2, is referring to Islamic refugees...not ISIS terrorists. In fact, I realize you are attempting to make it look like this is some sort of pro-terrorist platform, but that is simply disingenuous when you read what is actually going down up there brotha.
That being said, I think you have a legitimate point. There should be concern. But look at that second article. Is T right that someone like this could be a powerful voice for integration, and against radicalism?
Canada hasn't had a ton of terrorism, but the largest one last year was a white nationalist killing Muslims in a mosque. In defense, i think a lady with a hijab hit a cop with a golf club, and a militant Canadian national was arrested after threatening to bomb a city. None of these people were from ISIS in any way.
Its just not as black and white as you are attempting to place it. Not by a long shot.
The guy in the audience wanted to talk about dealing with terrorists such as ISIS. He no doubt wanted his president to say something along the lines of "returning ISIS fighters won't be allowed back on Canadian soil" but Trudeau refused to discuss this.
Instead he went on a long, rambling, almost Messianic monologue about welcoming refugees. He refused to go into any detail about how the Canadian gov and border agencies would weed out terrorists from refugees.
Trudeau strikes me as being a bit like Tony Blair. And we all know what a slimy b*****d he was.
Then he goes to ask how 10-15 years from now how letting people with an opposing ideology is going to look for his daughter.
Is an ISIS fighter NOT an ideologue? How the hell are you trying to separate that out? He said ideology so he is only speaking about Muslim?. The fact is, that as crazy as it sounds, Trudipsh*t is all for bringing actual ISIS ideologues into this country to be rehabilitated by magic socialist fairy dust. Its a far bigger stretch for you to make it about refugees simply because that's the way a slick politician chose to answer an uncomfortable question.
The man specifically questioned his stance on ISIS not refugees! that was clear. Paying out 10 million dollars to a former ISIS soldier is his stance, thinking they can invite jihadists in (not refugees, but actual jihadists) is his stance.
Nothing to see here, just playing with pandas