Wel At least we do know who the idiots are and it certainly isn,t Trudeau
Has Justin Trudeau Finally Eaten Too Many Tide Pods?
by freemindfade 151 Replies latest social current
Wel At least we do know who the idiots are and it certainly isn,t Trudeau
Typical non-contribution of anything resembling a discussion or debate. Just nebulous outrage, good job!
Okay, I have a better idea now of what posters are saying about him. Yes, he did not answer the question about ISIS - but he did talk about Canada welcoming refugees who are fleeing ISIS. Regarding his not answering the exact question:
Sometimes journalists and others need to go back and say, "Thanks, but you still have not answered my earlier question: What is your stance of former ISIS fighters coming back to Canada. Please answer that."
None of you even listened! The guys asking the question said your "STANCE ON ISIS" not your stance on refugees, this was clearly about Trudeau utopian fantasy that people who actually fought for ISIS and beheaded people (NOT JUST REFUGEES) are being welcomed into Canada. Which is an actual thing, not hyperbole even though it sounds batshit crazy
No we listened. The person asking the question asked for his stance on Isis-friendly immigrants, and he deflected and answered about something different.
So we agree he dodged the question. This is not the same as saying he is ok with ISIS coming into the country because he feels sorry for them.
you wait till p.3? U should have put that in your op.
No we listened - ok, you listened better than me.
The person asking the question asked for his stance on Isis-friendly immigrants, and he deflected and answered about something different - but this is very dodgy to say the least. If I didn't know better I'd say that the way Trudeau answered the question suggests he wants ISIS-supporting refugees to come to Canada along with regular refugees. He certainly didn't say ISIS-supporting refugees would be prevented from entering Canada - which I think is what the guy in the audience wanted to hear.
So we agree he dodged the question. This is not the same as saying he is ok with ISIS coming into the country because he feels sorry for them - see above.
If he interrupted her to say peoplekind instead of mankind, I think he was showing poor manners - I mean, peoplers. Seems like he was trying to manipulate - I mean, peopleipulate - the conversation.
peoplekind instead of mankind
I thought the PC alternative to mankind was humankind.
Never trust a man who sits with his knees together.