Bad Blood - when safe blood turns into bad blood - The patients' body reaction

by TheWonderofYou 29 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • TheWonderofYou

    The message of the film is that safe blood can turn into bad blood as soon as it is the patient's body because of the body reactions.

    A general statement blood is bad I can not subscribe“ said Prof. Zacharovski. Despite that the sensational title „BAD BLOOD“ was selected to „scare?“ the public. Bad Blood - volte-face in intensive care medicine" by Ulricke Gehring, 2014. available in English

    Its about the fight against public unawareness and resistance.

    Accompany the swiss journalist Ulricke Gehring travelling to Germany, USA, Vienna and Brussel visiting the big primary rocks of the Patient Blood Management- initiative. Its about the working against public unawareness and resistance of the peers.

    Prof. Zacharovski (head of European PBM Project) is a very rational person, he visits Prof. Shander in Englewood and speaks about the German experiences and methods. Prof. Shander seems to be very missionaric and a fighter. comments to that effect "Transfusion medicine is so rooted, its not a thinking its a fault" or "truth will vindicate in the end". „Blood banks sayed to us: You should be talking to the users. Its the people that are using it are abusing it not us (blood community). The answer was with the blood bank community.

    Prof. Gombotz Austria (from 2012) presents in the film his work. „blood is not bad per se but it is about the BODY's reaction“

    Watcht many other surgeons at work and in interview, anaestheologicst, immunologists, cancerologists and patients after transfusion that had reactions

    Prof. VANDEKERCKHOVE, President European Blood Alliance, speaking about the latest studies, Warns that we should not jump to conclusions and that conception of redblood units decreased, blood service is downsizing and about laying of employees.

    Dr. Steinbicker about immunmodulatoric reaction after storage of blood – iron, anemia testing

    Dr. Dana Fischer about effects of transfusions on human immun system, immun system can only fight on one front

    Ulriche Gehring asks: And the Patients shall wait and see?

    Available at the filmproducer's site „Screenart“



    Picture in the film of Englewood Hospital.

    Studies mentioned in the film ("some are not presented to the public but remain in medicine circle'")

    8500 patients Gavin Murchy Bristol heart institute 1996-2003

    • 6 times higher risk death with transfusion until 30 day after operation

    with only 1-2 blood bags: (USA glance studie 2011)

    • 76 % increas in lung compliations
    • 87 % increas with wounds
    • 77 % more cases of thrombosis
    • 29 % higher risk of death

    Rhode Island

    • 2x as many re-infarctions among heartsurgery among transfused patients
    • and 12 % more deaths
  • TheWonderofYou

    TheWonder (me) had a rhesus-incompatibilty imidiately after birth and my blood was completely replaced.
    Blessedly I survived thanks transfusion.

    I cant understand how they convinced me of the blood ban, but later I asked the presiding overseer about my doubts and he had no answer but read more.

  • scratchme1010

    TheWonderofYou, in all honesty, that's not new. The medical community is more than aware of body rejecting blood (and not only blood). That concept has been around ever since using blood in medicine started.

    Those are some of the reasons why the medical industry keeps researching and creating methods and products to substitute blood and to control negative reactions to transfusions. Other reasons have to do with the process of using blood being too costly, and also not having enough blood in blood banks.

    The article is interesting; it's good to see the numbers.

  • TheWonderofYou

    ay impression was indeed - as the film appears on the top page of the German Patient Blood Management as uptodate material - and as the story is told as fight against resistance - that the film is used in education for the public and that it is not so old information and not yet out of date.

    The film obviously run 2015 on swiss, german and ARTETV and is on 3 x on youtube.

    Mostly I was interested to see Shander and Gombotz live, who always are referred to in the studies. They were important promotors of this "movement" together with Prof. Dr. Axel Hofmann, who is advocate of cost-efficiency, and Farmer Shander - a project that was originally sucessful in Western Australia.

    The film gives the impression that everthing was very difficult for the Patient Blood Management and as if the older collegeus would prefer to give always transfusions. And as current the EU-Project is defined as clinical project for improvement of patients's care it appeared to me as if the whole PBM is something that is in the starting blocks.

    Or is the PBM in reality a non-necessary lucrative busines-scheme, promoting cost-saving for own benefit - like the outsourcing-trend 15years ago, a consultant business, - because physicians already work anyway with these bloodsaving methods and dont need a special method imposed on their work? Layoffs in the bloodindustrie for new jobs in the Patient blood management.

    EU Network since 2016, Source

    EU Project Team

  • OrphanCrow
    ...Farmer Shander

    The man's name is Shannon Farmer

    That is quite the promotion for PBM. Funny that conventional medical treatments don't need that hard of a sell.

  • OrphanCrow

    The PBM alliance can say whatever they want about the so-called dangers of blood transfusions.

    There are others who say otherwise.

    In 2009, Ezekiel J Emanuel, MD, PhD, attended an FDA conference concerning biologics, blood and vaccine safety.

    Here is what Mr. Emanuel said about the safety of blood transfusions when speaking at that FDA conference (from pg 251 of the FDA hearing transcripts. The document is no longer available online but I have it in my archives somewhere. Anyone who seriously wants to check the source, please pm me): cells are just very, very safe, probably the safest intervention that the whole healthcare system uses.
    You know, some of you may know about the six sigmas in production, that if you can get the six sigmas, you know, you're very, very safe. The airline industry gets there, other -- your cell phone gets there and it turns out that, as best as I can see, red cells are probably the only thing we do in the healthcare system that passes the six sigma rate.
    The six sigma rate is 0.4 defects in a million episodes. It's just really tremendously safe.

    Red Blood cells. The safest intervention that the whole healthcare system uses. According to Mr. Emmanuel (who has impressive credentials).

    Who do you believe? Who do you trust? The six sigma rate man who said that at an FDA hearing? or the PBM crew who are aligned with the WT? Who do you think has better science?

  • Vidiot
    OrphanCrow - "Who do you think has better science?"

    Or less ulterior motive?

  • TheWonderofYou

    I found out that a german company is already offering a system for automatic bleeding control in ICU for hospitals. The company promotes its product with the standard benefits mentioned for a PBM. The company even cited Prof. Hofmann in a press release.

    ROTEM is a german company that offers i.a. a ROTEM sigma - a system for automatic bleeding control that enables an improved patient blood managment. The product and methodology is explained on the company's page.

    The benefits according to product folders:

    • reduction of infection rate,
    • reduction of hospital costs as well as
    • mortality

    Ensuring both, the quality and the supply of blood products is becoming increasingly difficult. This is leading to a more rational use of the limited resource “blood“ and to a critical view on the need of blood transfusions. Blood loss, anaemia and blood transfusions are independent predictors for worse outcomes and patients´ quality of life. This includes an increase in morbidity and mortality, as well as a prolongation of the average length of hospital stay. In short, transfusions typically lead to avoidable complications and costs. In this context, the targeted ROTEM®-based bleeding management is an integral part of Patient Blood Management that is predicated on both preemptive and reactive blood-saving measures. In fact, the WHO has encouraged all their 193 member states with the WHA 63.12 to implement the PBM concept in a timely mann

    Under the BENEFITS of a Patient blood management you find:

    Blood is the most valuable liquid in the world

    It transports oxygen, nutritional substances and connects our organs, playing a vital role in keeping us alive.
    Blood donators give their blood to others and make it possible to save severely injured people and carry out large operations.
    Meanwhile numerous multi-centric studies have shown that an unnecessary transfusion of allogenic blood products is associated with increased mortality, an increased complication rate (e.g. lung injury and kidney failure) and infection risk (e.g. nosocomial infection and sepsis).
    Therefore blood should be seen as a drug with a clear indication and a significant range of adverse effects.
    Due to the current demographic changes it becomes apparent that there is already a substantial shortage of blood products, which is based on a continuous and future decrease in suitable blood donors – while there is a growing need and steadily growing numer of surgical procedures.

    Further I found an interesting press release of the SIGMA company from 2015 which is citing Prof. Dr. Axel Hofmann about the advantages of PBM:

    According to Dr. Axel Hofmann, visiting professor at the Department of Anesthesiology, University Hospital Zurich, improved disease course may be determined by the reduction or complete avoidance of the use of allogenic blood:

    "The preservation of the patient's own blood during a surgical procedure often results in a lesser period of IICU stay and in the hospital. Moreover, the mortality and the risk of infection after surgery can be massively reduced. Consequently, also costs for the health system associated with a transfusion, for example, for the blood bank, laboratory operations, hospitalization or follow-up treatment can be avoided to a large extent through the use of effective bleeding management".


    Then I found on Qoutube a video in which Prof. Axel Hofmann is lecturing about the economic reasons that convinced the Western Australian Government to shift the paradigm and implement a PBM.

    (Start at 11:20 to to hear about the cost factor)

    Further a published article about the economic considerations

    (Hofmann, Ozawa, Farrugia, Farmer, Shander)

  • OrphanCrow

    Wow. That is a hard sell with some questionable statistics presented. Not sure where they got those stats from or how that shows the benefits of PBM when the Dutch study I had referred to earlier had shown a much different picture. The Dutch are de-implementing PBM in their ortho surgery because it does not reduce the need for blood transfusions and is not cost efficient.

    Rather than respond to each promotional feature that is propaganda based, I just want to draw attention to this little piece of info at the bottom of your post:

    "(Hofmann, Ozawa, Farrugia, Farmer, Shander)"

    Hofmann, Ozawa and Farmer are Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't know about Farrugia.

    At least three out of five authors who are promoting PBM are Jehovah's Witnesses. Big names in Patient Blood Management. Jehovah's Witnesses - promoters for PBM.

    No wonder the blood doctrine has undergone so many changes and contortions over the past couple decades or so. The WT gets its direction from the needs of the PBM world - handy to have a trial group waiting and willing to serve.

  • OrphanCrow

    I have come across some information that seems to expand on the idea that there exists a "bloodless cult" whose main thrust is to promote questionable technology around the world targeted at the blood market. And based on questionable evidence. From what I have seen of the 'big picture', that 'evidence' is more often than not based upon 'belief' rather than good science.

    I stumbled upon a Nigerian forum that was discussing the JWs and the blood issue. It goes on for 5 pages and typically splits into the for-blood vs no-blood camps - a familiar standing off of the old controversial fight between two medical approaches - the allopathic doctors against the "holistic'/alternative medicine.

    On page 4, a poster claiming to be a surgeon from the UK says this in support of the bloodless camp:

    People should not make bold statement over issue they don't have all the facts. As an orthopaedic surgeon of close to 40 years I have lots of experience on this issue than most do. I know for a fact that there is no policy among Jehovah Witnesses's not to receive transfusion as a blanket law. Its down to individual and am hundred percent sure that the lady in question has taken that decision in the event like this through her verbal instruction or what we call medical life will and not by her family.

    He knows for a fact...

    Well, I know for a fact that it hasn't always been that way. I know for a fact that tens of thousands of JWs have died because they couldn't and wouldn't take blood.

    Down to the individual? Well...that depends...

    He goes on for a bit (and then says this:

    As a surgeon, I will be the last person to recommend blood transfusion for anybody at will, because what most people do not realise is that transfusion kill people than it saves. I usually tell people that blood is the sewage of the body and every single event in your body goes through the blood stream. Thousands die each year through blood poisoning, hypertisis B, HIV, all through transfusion and this is in advanced countries where blood is specially treated to the highest standard. Can imagine in developing nations?
    How does that stack up against what the rest of the world says about blood safety?Does that make Mr. Emmanuel's statements to the FDA false? And all those other sources that say that blood, at this time in history, is the safest it has ever been? The safest intervention that the medical profession uses?
    And about the developing nations. Funny how that aligns with religious expeditions into developing areas of the world. Areas with little control over medical trials and procedures and such. Ripe for the picking.
    This next part of his comment is revealing (bolding mine):
    Over the last 30 years, thanks to this JW people, science had develop advance method of all sorts of non blood surgeries and this includes many hours surgeries like cardiac, brain and most complicated procedures in orthopaedic like Quadraplaty. I can tell you that Jehovah Witnesses started and developed a machine we used today called jpyt, which is a blood salvaging machine, preferred by the rich and famous today in surgeries instead transfusion.
    First - the comment about "rich and famous". Yes. of course it is available to the elite. The elite who want to make sure their blood is clean and pure, not contaminated. Rich - of course. Contrary to the propaganda that promotes PBM as "economical", the technology is expensive to access. For rich people. People with money.
    Second - the "jpyt" machine. I hadn't heard that term before so I googled it. And this came up:
    UK ‘blood recycling’ breakthrough will let Jehovah’s Witnesses have major surgery
    In Canadian hospitals now:
    Hemosep - developed by Brightwake. The Hemosep story:

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