Thanks for the information. The info about Dr. Earnshaw may be an error, if I understand your info correct. But certainly the Awake 2000 about blood less health care was displayed at the congress in Geneve. And that Awake had the pictures of the bloodless pioneers.
Below you see that the "primary rocks" of bloodless treatment are actually very active this year....Isbister, Gombotz, Spahn, Shander, Hofmann, Goodnough publishing, publishing publishing, reviews, cinical trials, pivot studies as if somebody needed those studies as basis for argumentation. It seems this is sign of growth, a growth of publication since 2000 when at the conference many contacts could be established. Contacts with laywers, contacts with industry and colleagues. This event was seems to have been a great "push" for the bloodless world. Since than growth in studies and growth in acceptance and growth in income for consultants and physicians is palpable or better noticeable. J.W. were happy and bloodless health world was happy. Didnt also Dr. Farragua - advocate for patient groups - Australia/WHO/UNO of the necessity to produce many pivot studies? But who else could have played an important role. Wait.. I know.
Prof. Lawrence Tim Goodnough and Prof. Todd Rosengart were however certainly a member of the scientic committee of the 1st European Congress on bloodless health care in Geneve.
Prof. Goddnough is co-author of new review published 2016 in Transfus
He is another one of those true pioneers of 2000 who spoke out about bloodless medicine. Who is he. Here you can see him speaking about safety of blood at youtube channel Patient Safety Movement.
Following a newsagency report about the conference
1st European Congress on Bloodless Healthcare in Geneva
Geneva (ots) -A trend towards the
Bloodless curative treatment. This is not least reinforced by the fact that this year the World Health Organization (WHO) has made the problem of the lack of safety in the medical use of blood an important issue at the World Health Day. One of four WHO recommendations on how the dangerous situation can be improved was that the unnecessary transfusions must be reduced!
A scientific congress, which takes place in Geneva (Palexpo Convention Center) on 11 and 12 May, is a similar goal. With their presentations, the internationally recognized specialists want to rethink the medical profession and raise awareness about the use of blood products and alternatives to foreign blood. More than 500 doctors from various disciplines are expected to attend the international conference, the "First European Congress for Bloodless Medicine".
Prof. Donat Spahn, a member of the Scientific Committee of the Fachtagung, clearly points out: "The prevention of foreign blood is an important goal in medical treatment."
However, in order to offer this high-quality care, doctors need a wide range of blood-saving methods and alternatives to foreign blood, "adds Prof. Lawrence T. Goodnough, his fellow committee member.
How dramatic it is to transfuse blood in a great way is evident from the urgent warning of Prof. Spahn. He comes to the conclusion that there are "transfusions without risk really not at all".
Therefore, successfully applied alternatives to the generous treatment of blood in medical treatments are presented at the congress. The participating physicians will receive information about the latest methods for limiting blood loss, which medicines promote the blood formation in the patient, which techniques make it possible to reuse lost blood and the development status of artificial oxygen carriers have already reached. The spectrum of the internationally recognized specialists is clear:
Surgery, obstetrics, neonatology and hematology.
Prof. Todd Rosengart, who is also a member of the scientific committee, underlines the impetus of this medical congress. "We contribute to the practice of the theory of blood savings."
The initiators of the congress are the Anesthesiology Institute of the University of Zurich, the Department of Anesthesiology of the Cantonal Hospital in Geneva and The Medical and Scientific Association for Informing and Assisting Patients.