a.)Member (wrongdoer) = "JC" = disfellowshipping = this shunning is legal as membership = church
b.)Prior exercise of legal right to quit = instant nonmember = (ecclesiastical?!!) committee = (eccleastical?!!) announcement = (eclesiastically enforced?!!) shunning by even family and loved ones
Do you see whats legally wrong in the second equation? (Hint) - it's calculated, directed, targetted and enforced ECCLESIASTICAL INTERFERENCE for a NON-MEMBERS entire remaining lifetime!
This is enforced persecution of an individual by a religion that invented the hateful doctrine just a few decades ago. It is NOT Freedom of or freedom from religion as the Human rights laws intend.
One of Regina Spiess' exonerated criticisms of JWs is that they collude to force member individuals to forfeit their own rights to religious freedom by coercing them to deny those same rights to others. - thus, the entire process is a violation of everyones' rights, not just for those shunned but those who must shun to avoid the same mistreatment.
This salient point is that JWs instruct and practice organizational persecution of citizens who have legally gained a chosen religious freedom guaranteed by their states laws. Info Sekt
If you have already Quit Quietly (while in good standing BTW) and have the documents to prove that you are not a member, you are in good stead to continue to visit the hall, to fraternize with loved ones.
The idea to quit quietly was to protect those who wished to continue to attend for family, but feared if/when their fade went badly they would be 'apostacised' and DF'd.
Being an actual, documented nonmember relegates you from ecclesiaical target to "sorry- just a visitor" status.
Info Sekta has offered assistance to future prosecutors of WT on the basis of WT having violated the rights for violating the rights of blameless individuals.
I imagine this issue will become far more damaging than even the CSA as far more people have been victims and the WT has already lost so so much credibility.- and their still doing it!