Welcome Dreamerdude
like you for years I yearned for The New World, free from all hatred, hypocrisy and politics. Then 1 day I looked round the KH and thought, I could not liveforeverwith these creeps, they are just the sort I want world to be rid of. Obnoxious elders, time consuming dysfunctional families, work shy, benefit swindlers. So together with Generation change and child abuse my wife and I left leaving only wasted decades of our lives ruined by the demands of the org and its members who appeared nearly all to be human failures I was expected to carry as an elder. Relief and self anger at wasting years serving this oppressive organisation which has NEVER delivered on its promises (1975), this was our fault apparently for believing what we read, heard. Special talk by CO to confirm this WAS the date, then nothing, as usual, except more lying and deceit. Present members from a different age and time will see them drift away, but org will continue to fleece members so GB and their acolytes can fly First Class ??? Next switch could be to say the "helpers" to GB will take over work when all anointed allevedly uup seeĀ
in heaven, could last for hundreds of years as each new group follow future promises and past airbrushed away
Good Luck for future