If they are right then we will all be bird food some day, and our kids will be bird food too and our friends will be bird food and the memory of us will be forgotten. All the while all the good Witness's will be running and playing in a field of clover and drinking wine and will be told where to build their house's by the GB. Oh goodie, then we can grow beards maybe if its OK with the then Taliban the GB of Jehovah's Witness's. They will tell just how much food to grow, and how many kids to give birth to and what food we can eat, and if we hhave made beer according to bible standards, and how much sex we can have and what kind. Oh and guess what we can build houses for the return of the living dead" oh what fun. And to top it off if our daughters get rapped by some turd taper of pervert we will still have to have two people who just happened to be watching at that moment as witness's to stone them. Rejoice for Gods tent is with men" Blah Blah Blah ......... Pepper