Why do you respond to "ethical responsibility" by using arguments from the legal system? Ethics are separate, and that's why jwfacts explicitly mentions them separately ("ethical and in some places, legal responsibility" to report). You may argue the government cannot force the church to do something, but ethics goes beyond legal and is about "how should we (any person) act?" Answer: help prevent further abuse where possible by reporting abusers to the police
What you say sounds ridiculous. Here is why:
Relating to church confidentiality, you should write a letter to the SC or to Congress and explain to them why you feel that that the 1st is unethical maybe they will trash the constitution because you feel it is unethical? Maybe someone should also get the US gov to abolish the constitution because they think that lawyer client privileged is also unethical and give them any reasons they like (but remeber do not use any legal reasons, tell them that they should do it for ethical reasons) or tell the bar association that decides ethical conduct for lawyers, that lawyers are unethical, or better yet tell them that they are unethical because they could stop a lot of crime if they reported their clients to the police or maybe they should be told that it is ok, that they feel it is ethical for them not to report killers and thieves, only child abusers because that is unethical of them not to report them. After all, it is ethical and it will help society to get rid of child abusers.. no no no that may be a legal move, better yet ask all the lawyers to turn in their clients voluntarily on the grounds that you feel it is unethical to help someone that could be a criminal. Give them any reason you like as long as they are helping the Police fight crime... It is late. Good night.