Pork Chop and In_Between_Days seem to think I am the only one on this board who is bitter and feels occasionally violent toward the Borg...what do you think?
I have been called low life scum because I made a comment (after being provoked) about not caring if all JWs died of antrax. Honestly, there are days I really feel that way. Am I the only one? Or am I just the only one honest enough to admit it?
I had enough of the namby-pamby child worshipping ninnies who always knew just exactly what you SHOULD be doing when I was in the Borg. Dolphin-safe tuna sandwiches and 2 % milk for lunch, driving minivans and and listening to Celine Dion cds...........:: shivers :: bleh
and don't misunderstand me--you all are smart enough to know the kind of person I am describing without taking offense unless the shoe fits! So don't waste your time with the 'hey I drive a mini-van!' responses.
I am not a socio-path or psycho-path. But I am honest and I am human and I am not afraid of anger or hate or negative emotions and I laugh at things like pink mummies with samurai swords terrorizing JWs. And the Three Stooges and Ren and Stimpy.
And I am so sick of hearing about the 'poor' children of JWs. There are poor children everywhere in this world! Do something about it!
(I am NOT talking about children who have been molested or abused. What kind of a monster would not be sympathetic to that? I AM talking about people who worship children and put them on pedestals higher than they need to be. My husband was one such worshipped child and he is still paying for it. He battles narcisism and selfishness and ADHD and all the other traps needy parents put on kids when they worship them and teach them that they are the gods of their narrow little worlds! He has been in therapy for years to get over what his parents did to him and he was not even raised a JW. People who try to protect children from the realities of life are not doing them a favor. A parent's one and only job is to prepare the child to be a successful adult--anything less is failure.)
ok that rant is over.
how about some honesty for a refreshing change? am I the only one who feels bitter and violent and angry and hatred for the Borg? am I the only one who feels like the ones who know better and stay in anyway should be shot(NOT talking about those who are planning their escape--talking about the ones who compromise their integrity for ease and comfort)? am I the only one who sometime feels like every JW is just a waste of precious natural resources? (Incidentally I fell like this about alot of people not just JWs, but JWs are the topic here aren't they?) come on I dare you! be honest!