DWiltshire No soap-boxing here, just my honest and (somewhat out-of-character) strongly expressed opinion. Ravyn asked for us to be honest, and I was.
I'm equally revolted by the OT histories of God sending out His chosen nation to indiscriminately slaughter tens of thousands of men, women, and children (simply because they were Canaanites)...histories that I once accepted as "that's how God works." What an insensitive and de-humanized jerk I was to believe such crap! So now, having escaped such lunacy, why in the world would I willingly turn around and subscribe to that same attitude against JWs?
No, I stick by what I said...to speak of destroying people simply because they're JWs is nothing less than pathological, and needs to be owned up to for what it is.
Keying off of what Scully says:
Let's talk about some positive things that have been the outcomes of our anger toward the WTS.
I'm still working through a lot of that. Early on, I had a seething hatred against the org. Then, as I experienced a tremendous healing over this last year, I simmered down and focused on developing a new network of friends. Over the last couple of months, I've learned much more about how pernicious the WTS is, and I feel some of that anger welling up again. I'm directing that anger-energy into doing what I can to help people here, and into other projects off-line. For me, that's a positive excorcism of my anger.