Not that this post will matter. But what the heck.
Yes, I can relate to a lesser degree, the feelings discussed by the poster of this thread.
I used to be angry, angry, and if anyone remembers me from a few years ago on other forum; sorry, I was not the sweetie-pie people think I am today. I was a prick, plain and simple.
I wasted more time, being angry. Angry at the WTS; Angry at the people who attended the 3 meetings a week; Angry at people on ex-JW threads; just plain angry, angry, angry, and I lost a helluva lot of precious time as a result.
Anger is an energy.
It is a human response, and rightly so. I won't question anyones reasons for feeling angry and even eluding to activities more harsh. Honestly, I don't think 'you' (plural) would act upon them. Thus venting here, helps.
In retrospect, I look back at my angry years, bitterness and time lost being: ANGRY.
I cannot recompensate myself for those precious years.
It's a process, and I hope, for many of you, you can move past your anger and be ready to embrace those who are breaking free of the Borg., and its clutches.
You'll catch more flies with honey. But even honey, needs time to be made and it isn't produced overnight.
I wish you, yes, even you angry ones, steady on-going healing. It gets better with time .