may you have peace... and may I respond to your understanding? Thank you!
You "said":
Miz: My understanding is that the "new earth" (Isa. 65:17;66:22; 2Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1) refers to the time after Christ reigns for a thousand years during the millennium. During that, Christ reigns in righteousness over the earth, but very few details are given.
Please note that there is no "millennial earth." That is a fallacy taught by the WTBTS. There is 1,000 year period where Christ's brother rule with him, but that limited period is THEIR rule: his is "indefinitely lasting." the "new earth" is that which remains once it has been cleansed... by fire. When this occurs (at the END of the 1,000 years and after Satan has been loosed), New Jerusalem has already come down out of heaven. That is how Gog and Magog "come against" it (the holy city). For if you recall, THEY... Gog and Magog, are also on the earth. The problem is that folks try to put the Revelation in chronological order, instead of "hearing" what John says: he saw a plethora of things all in a matter of instances, and so he didn't say, "and after I saw such and so, I saw such and so," but rather, "and I saw... and I saw... and I saw."
How do we know? Because although we SEE in 3-dimension... what we WRITE... in one-dimensional.
There certainly is alot of speculation about the millennial earth, but not Bible based.
Indeed. And the WTBTS is at the forefront of such speculation, and will adapt their teachings to support their speculations... rather than teach what is true.
2cor.12:2 Pauls talks about being "caught up to the third heaven". Verse 4 he says "he was caught up into paradise" sounds like heaven and paradise are the same place.
I would ask you to go back and reread what Paul said, for if you did, you would find that HE... was not caught up at all, but rather, he KNEW someone, a man, who was. That man... was the Apostle John, who told what he saw WHEN caught up in the Revelation. At that time, he wrote not only what he was seeing AT THAT TIME, but also he was directed to write what he was ABOUT to see... as well as what he SAW... during the time he was "caught up." John wrote what he saw when he was taken "in spirit."
Revelation 1:11, 19; 4:2
Rev 2:7 "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Rev 22 a picture of heaven is given and the tree of life is mentioned three times, v. 2,14,19 shows that paradise is synonymous with heaven.
I am directed by my Lord to tell you what that Tree (of Life) is... whether you hear or you refrain. The Tree... is my Lord, the Son of God. It is he that is "the Life." It is he that is "the Root [of Jesse]". It is he that is the "True Vine." And it is he that is "Sprout!" He is the "vine" planted by my Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, a "cultivator"... and is the One from whom we must eat to live. It is his flesh, the "leaves" of the Tree, that are for the curing... of Israel and the nations. For, as he himself said, "UNLESS you eat MY flesh and drink MY blood, you have NO life in yourselves. For my flesh... is TRUE food."
That is why he referred to himself as the "bread from heaven"... the TRUE manna. The Israelites and those who went with them ate the manner in the wilderness. Yet, they died. However, if you eat from THIS Tree... you will live. Forever. The WTBTS, however, has done it's job well: their very purpose is to STOP all who would "eat" from this "Treet" from doing so, by creating a two-group entity where one group eats and the other does not. They promise the group NOT eating resurrection and a change to live forever. Yet, my Lord's words at John 6:51-53 show that such is an error.
John 6:48-56
True, my Father, through Christ, will show mercy to whomever He wishes; some will receive life in the manner of Rahab - by means of their faith as borne out in how they treated Christ's brothers. But for those who claim to BE "christians"... they've been misled. AWAY from this truth.
1 Corinthians 10:1-5; Numbers 11:16
Jw's clearly teach that after Armageddon,(living Jws, btw. never paid for sin) they are the ones responsible for turning the ruined earth into a paradise, not just for themsleves but for billions past, to give them a "second chance."
And they are in error. The "no mourning, outcry, pain," takes place when New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven. It is during the time that Satan is abyssed. Armageddon... takes place... AFTER the 1,000 years have ended, AFTER Satan is loosed and goes to try and mislead Gog (the "goats") and Magog (the wicked spirits reserved for judgment). And the 2nd resurrection takes place AFTER that.
Revelation 20:1-15 (please pay close attention to verses 6, 7 and 11-15), for the latter is supported by Daniel Chapter 7.
Hebrews 9:27 "and it is appointed unto men once to die...." If there were a second chance and people failed that test, they would have died twice? hmmm
They only die... once. But they can be resurrected, not to die again, but to be destroyed... body AND spirit... in Gehenna.
Matthew 10:28; Revelation 20:11-15
May you have ears to hear the Spirit when, along with its bride the invitation is extended to YOU to:
"Come! Take life's "water"... the TRUE drink that is the blood of God and Christ....HOLY SPIRIT... free!" For it is by means of this "water"... as its accompanying "food", the flesh of Christ... that we may live.
I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,