by Terry 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I've been through a couple of experiences where I was a dog's hair away from getting bit and mauled from a couple of dogs.

    My first experience was from my former JW landlady's German shepherd. I had been recently disfellowshipped (Apostasy) and had moved out of her house. I went to visit one of the only JWs who would still talk to me, also a tenant of hers, then the landlady showed up with her dog barking mad at me.

    She looked at me with the most evil beatific smile and dropped her leash 5 feet in front of me. I froze; didn't twitch a muscle. The tenant I was visiting had to tell her to take control of her dog. I almost wish he would have bitten, it may have made me rich after suing her for her house.

    I also got into a similar predicament as you when riding my 3 wheel recumbent from work. It's an unusual bike where you sit on a seat instead of a saddle and your butt is 8 inches off the ground.

    It was night and I noticed what must have been one of the neighbors taking his dog out for a walk. When the dog owner saw me he raised the arm with which he was holding the leash and released it. I had to turn a corner fast, without tipping over (see picture) with the dog rapidly approaching me just 3 feet from my neck before I outran him. It wasn't a large dog but boy was it ferocious.

    On another night when I got off from work at the same time same guy, same dog, same thing. I knew I would not be able to turn the corner again and stay ahead of him so I brought the bike to a full stop and confronted the dog by putting up a display of the most primitive rage you'll ever see in a human. I was hoping to scare him away by displaying a willingness to fight.

    The dog did stop but I could see him curl up his lips, a definite warning sign, as he countered my rage with his own version.

    The owner, who must have been 50 feet away from his dog, told me it was all right then called me "chicken". I guess neither him nor his canine fiend liked recumbent bicycles.

    My advise is:

    1) Get the most intense and largest pepper spray available. You can spray it on your legs, arms or abdomen in order to dissuade the dogs from biting you anywhere.

    2) Sue the bastard who didn't keep his dogs secured.

    Imagine how close to my neck this beast would have been:

  • Finkelstein

    Glad to hear your alright Terry.

    Sounds like it was quite the harrowing experience.

    The Sabre Red Jogger Pepper Spray is the perfect self defense weapons for those who like to go out for runs or bike rides. It is a very effective deterrent for any dangerous people you may encounter on your jogs. It even works great on any aggressive dogs you may come across. This spray is made with the famous Sabre Red quality and strength, so you know you can count on it when you need it.

    I would pack a bear or pepper spray if another dog comes aggressively at you again,

    they can be kept in a tote bag and they're small.

    One quick shot and the dogs go running in retreat.

    These can be purchased at Amazon for under $ 10.00


  • LV101

    Terry - What a traumatizing situation. Glad you're ok and what a writer you are -- OTWO's post is great! That's quite a knife and hard to believe they're legal but I see why you need one!

    Some great protective measures on here. I'm going to order the pepper spray Finkelstein has recommended and want to thank him for the link. They warn us in our community magazine to carry something when walking, jogging, whatever, so appreciate all the info.

  • fiddler
    Terry, so sorry for your traumatic experience. I love to ride my bicycle and I love dogs and have never considered anything like this happening but in reading your account I now know it could. I will be investing in some pepper spray (and the knife isn't a bad idea either!)
  • doofdaddy

    Awful experience Terry.

    When I read this it spurred a memory of a witness I knew many years ago and he is long dead. He approached a door and a woman was standing there with her German shepherd on a leash. Staring at him, she dropped the leash and the dog sprang at him. Now what the "lady" didn't know was that Bernie was an old hard man who had been fighting since he left the womb and had shot numerous people before becoming a jw. He had no fear.

    Old Bernie steps to his left and gives this mongrel the quickest left hook sending it across the hard absolutely unconscious. Didn't even drop his witnessing bag....

  • umbertoecho

    Terry, I count that as very good writing too. It's hard to engage my interest at times, but your choice of sentance structure made me keep reading, wondering if there was some metaphor on the horizon. And so I read to the end. It was still a good story/event.

    In the Australian out back, many dingoe's have bred with cattle dogs. The only language they understand is being savagely growled back at. There is an added element to that. You need to be prepared to kill it. I experienced this twice. It was so odd, so enlightening as to how close we still are to our basic nature. A great account. Thank you

  • kaik

    My father was K9 mountain patrol and he recommended to carry pepper spray. Dogs are more sensitive than humans and this would get them powerless. I witnessed once a dog attacking police officer, who shoot the dog, and the beast was continuing attacking and then run for another 100ft where he collapsed and died. Stabbing dog would be extremely difficult as it will make them even more aggressive once their blood is dripping.

    Dogs attacking cyclists are very common. I used to jog a lot until 2008 when I had accident. I run about 20 miles per week on trail, and I was attacked once by dog, which I pepper sprayed and he run away. I was always afraid to get attacked on the trail, so I was carrying spray while jogging all the time. But it was a dog that I used it.

  • Fisherman

    Electric motorized bike, light weight fabric, armor reinforced pant legs (impregnated with dog repellent when punctured, max strength, police type bear spray , , and lightweight firearm with special ammunition (if allowed where you live,) and a knife, do not panic and be prepared to kill the canine, otherwise I would not ride a bike.

    Problem is that 2 attacking dogs are hard 2 tackle, they bite in orchestra. If you stop to defend, they could jump and bite unprotected part of your body. IF they puncture one of your arteries in your leg, you could bleed to death. Pepper spray can also be like spitting against the wind.

    I got bit by a dog once, the dog died.

  • kaik
    For trained K9 dog, even bear spray wont work, once he goes into attack mode. They are trained for this by police force. However, for untrained dog, it will cause disorientation, which should be enough to get away. Nonetheless, there are special pepper sprays against dogs used by postal workers, etc. Shooting dog... hahaha. You most likely will shoot your own leg than hit the dog.
  • Zoos

    Puncture wounds. You might need more than just a rinse and bandage.

    Perhaps see about an antibiotic.

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